English actor Hugh Laurie recently appeared on Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, where he shared a surprising hobby that helps him relax. The conversation took place on an episode that aired recently on TBS.
During the interview, Laurie expressed his admiration for O’Brien’s modesty and reserved demeanor when greeted with applause from the audience. He even joked about having a CD of applause sounds that he plays at home. The conversation quickly moved on to the length of time Conan has been on the air, which is an impressive eight years.
As the conversation continued, Conan mentioned the hard work and early call times required for a single-camera show like his. Intrigued by Conan’s question, Laurie revealed that he has several legal outlets for relaxation but would only disclose two of them. One of his favorite methods for unwinding involves music, which he finds to be a great solace.
But it was Laurie’s second outlet that caught everyone’s attention: boxing. He described it as a form of venting and even referred to it as “professional venting.” Although he acknowledged his lack of skill in the sport, Laurie explained that he has been boxing for a long time. When asked about his sparring partner, Laurie humorously replied, “small children,” adding a touch of lightheartedness to the conversation.
Conan, intrigued by the idea, expressed his interest in trying boxing with Laurie, proclaiming that he’s more of a slapper than a true boxer. They bantered about the possibility of slapping becoming an Olympic sport and having Laurie win nine medals for his technique. Laurie also mentioned that boxing is mentally and physically exhausting but emphasized the intense feeling one experiences inside the ring.
Throughout the discussion, Laurie reflected on the passage of time in relation to one’s career. He noted that while time seems to fly when working on a job, moments spent in the boxing ring feel like eternity. He even mused about how life would be if everyone lived as intensely as boxers, suggesting it would make for an intense but perhaps not entirely pleasant 10,000 years.
Hugh Laurie‘s appearance on Conan O’Brien‘s talk show was full of humor and unexpected insights about his relaxation techniques. From his admiration for Conan’s modesty to his love for music and boxing, Laurie’s interview was an entertaining glimpse into his life off-screen.