13-Year-Old Shark Attack Survivor Bethany Hamilton made a powerful appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, sharing her incredible story of resilience and faith. During the interview, Bethany detailed the terrifying moment when a shark attacked her while she was laying on her surfboard, waiting for a wave.

As Ellen pointed out, it’s remarkable that Mary, the show’s executive producer, was in the room considering her fear of sharks. Bethany recounted how the shark came out of nowhere and started grabbing hold of her. She could only describe it as a blur and didn’t feel anything as the shark pulled her back and forth.

Despite the attack, Bethany managed to stay on her board and paddle herself to the shore. Ellen was amazed that she didn’t even realize her arm was gone until after the shark went under. Bethany explained that once the shark realized she wasn’t a fish and tasted human flesh, it promptly left her alone.

Bethany was not alone during this ordeal. She had been paddling with a friend who was also attacked by the shark. Bethany quickly helped her friend get to safety, and it wasn’t until she got close to her that she noticed her friend’s arm was missing. Bethany pushed her friend into a wave, helping her reach the shallow part of the reef, and her son caught another wave with her friend, taking them across the reef.

Incredibly, it took Bethany only 15-20 minutes to get her friend to safety. She tied a makeshift tourniquet around her friend’s arm, using her rash guard, and instructed her son to go to the beach and call 911. Bethany then paddled her friend the rest of the way across the channel, a journey that took at least another 10 minutes.

Ellen commended Bethany for her bravery and determination. She mentioned that Bethany has already returned to surfing since the attack. Remarkably, Bethany displayed a positive attitude and minimal fear, stating that she believes God has a unique plan for her and doesn’t think getting bitten by a shark again is part of it. With her resilient spirit and faith, Bethany continues to inspire and motivate others.

As the interview neared its end, Bethany’s father joined them on stage. He shared his side of the story, revealing that he was about to undergo knee surgery when he was told there was a shark attack victim coming in. When he found out it was his daughter, he couldn’t believe it. They had to take him off the operating table to make way for Bethany’s emergency treatment.

Bethany’s story is nothing short of extraordinary. Her unwavering faith, courage, and determination have propelled her forward, refusing to let the tragedy define her. Bethany’s appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show served as a reminder to all of us to look forward and embrace life’s challenges head-on, just as she has done.

Tune in to The Ellen Degeneres Show to witness more uplifting and inspiring moments like this. The talk show continues to bring incredible stories and heartwarming interviews to its viewers.

Originally aired on December 3, 2003