Jay Z made his only appearance on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” recently and it was quite a thrilling chat between the two. The transcript of their conversation reveals an interesting mix of topics, ranging from Jay Z‘s music career to his personal life with Beyonce.

Ellen kicked off the conversation by mentioning Jay Z‘s recent seven-show tour, which took place in seven cities in just 24 hours. Jay Z admitted that he is a bit crazy for taking on such an exhausting schedule but explained that he wanted to do a whole promotional tour in one day. However, Ellen assured him that he doesn’t need to go to such lengths as people are already excited enough to see him.

The talk show host then brought up Jay Z‘s background, reminding the audience that he grew up in tough neighborhoods and was involved in selling drugs. Ellen was curious to know what made him decide to leave that life behind. Jay Z explained that growing up in those environments, he did what was around him. But as he matured, he realized that he couldn’t continue down that path without severe consequences. He mentioned that his inspiration to change came from realizing his God-given talent for music. Initially, Jay Z fought against it because his mother had always told him that he needed to work hard for anything he wanted. However, the music talent came naturally to him, and he eventually embraced it.

The conversation then took a lighter turn when Ellen asked Jay Z about his relationship with Beyonce. Trying to get a scoop, she questioned if they were still together. Jay Z responded by emphasizing Beyonce‘s talent and how good she is at what she does. He mentioned that she tapped his arm to calm his nerves before she embarked on uncharted waters. Although he didn’t directly confirm their relationship status, he expressed appreciation for her and called her a “wonderful girl.”

To add a fun twist, Ellen brought up an interaction she had witnessed backstage between Jay Z and former President Bill Clinton. She asked Jay Z how he knew Clinton, and he explained that they had bumped into each other a few times at a restaurant he co-owns with Bono. He even gave a shout-out to the manager of the restaurant, demonstrating his gratitude.

The lively conversation ended with Ellen expressing her gratitude for Jay Z‘s appearance despite his exhaustion from the tour. She promised that he would come back in the future, to which Jay Z readily agreed. Ellen then announced that viewers could purchase Jay Z‘s new CD, “Kingdom Come,” on their website.

Overall, it was an exciting episode of “The Ellen Degeneres Show,” with Jay Z‘s appearance being a highlight. Their conversation covered a wide range of topics, from Jay Z‘s music career to his personal life, offering fans and viewers a glimpse into the life of the iconic rapper.