In a recent episode of the renowned chat show, “David Letterman,” the audience was treated to an unexpected and slightly awkward moment featuring the talented Natalie Portman. The actress, who has gained critical acclaim for her roles in movies like “The Professional” and “Beautiful Girls,” was the center of attention in this lively discussion.

As David Letterman welcomed Natalie to the stage, he expressed his excitement at having her as a guest, remarking how fond he was of her. He then proceeded to discuss her recently released film, “Beautiful Girls,” commending her on her fantastic performance. Letterman and Portman shared a playful banter, with Natalie revealing that this was her first time working with the talk show host.

Letterman, ever the conversationalist, inquired about Natalie’s life, prompting her to share that she was 14 years old, the same length of time his show had been on the air. They delved into Natalie’s education, with her revealing that she attends public school. She playfully compared it to actor schools, jokingly stating that kids who attend those schools often can’t even count.

The conversation took a turn as they discussed Natalie’s experiences in school that day. She mentioned having a test in English, which involved reading a travel book and writing an essay. However, her teacher was absent due to illness, leaving Natalie to wonder why she stayed up all night reading the book.

Natalie then recounted a humorous incident involving her and two of her friends watching the movie “Threesome.” Just as an intimate scene unfolded on-screen, one of the friend’s mothers walked in, prompting a hilariously quick response from her friend. The incident left the audience laughing and Natalie skillfully navigating the story with wit and charm.

Throughout the interview, it became evident that Natalie Portman is not only a talented actress but also a diligent student. She proudly proclaimed herself a straight-A student, a commendable achievement for someone balancing school and a burgeoning acting career.

Natalie’s parents, both in the medical field, were also mentioned. Her father is an infertility specialist, and her mother studied art. Natalie humorously explained that her mother prefers to be called an artist rather than a housewife. However, the label of being a mother ultimately prevailed.

Letterman couldn’t help but comment on Natalie’s radiant smile, complementing her on her beautiful teeth. Despite the occasional awkwardness, the conversation flowed effortlessly, and Natalie’s charm and poise shone throughout the interview.

The interview wrapped up with Natalie discussing her film, which was set to open on February 9th. Letterman wished her the best of luck and encouraged his viewers to see the film. He also thanked Natalie for being a guest on the show, leaving the audience eager to see what other entertaining moments “David Letterman” had in store.

With Natalie Portman‘s infectious personality and David Letterman‘s wit, this interview was a must-watch for fans of both celebrities. As they engaged in playful banter and shared amusing stories, it was clear that their chemistry made for an entertaining and memorable chat show episode.