In a recent episode of the talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” tennis superstar Serena Williams made a playful jab at comedian Jimmy Carr. As Jimmy made his entrance to the show, Serena couldn’t help but comment on his noticeable weight loss. Acknowledging that he used to be a bit plumper, she jokingly referred to him as “frail.” The audience erupted in laughter, showcasing Serena’s wit and Jimmy’s good sport attitude.

But Jimmy’s weight loss didn’t come without its struggles. He admitted feeling self-conscious about his body and decided to make a change. Contrary to popular belief, he didn’t follow a strict diet or exercise routine. Instead, he simply stopped eating after his gigs. Jimmy humorously labeled his weight loss plan as a “pamphlet” titled “Put That Down, Fatty.”

The conversation took a lighthearted turn as Serena and Jimmy discussed their love for tennis. Serena, being an extraordinary talent herself, praised the transformation of women’s tennis and emphasized the excitement it now has, thanks in part to players like herself. The dynamic between Serena and Jimmy was engaging and showcased their mutual admiration for each other’s skills and talents.

As the interview continued, Jonathan Ross asked Jimmy about his comedy career and his approach to performing. Jimmy revealed that he constantly receives feedback from fans, particularly through social media platforms like Twitter. He expressed his appreciation for having direct communication with his audience, acknowledging that it makes him feel more connected to his fans.

Despite being known for his edgy and offensive humor, Jimmy revealed that most people attending his shows are not easily offended. He noted that meeting his fans after a performance is important to him, as it adds a personal touch to the experience. When asked about his longevity in the industry, Jimmy attributed his success to continuous improvement and getting better with time.

Towards the end of the show, Serena and Jimmy engaged in a playful tennis face-off. Serena showcased her incredible serve, dominating the court even while purposely holding back her strength. Jimmy, being a good sport, tried his best to return the ball but was ultimately outmatched by Serena’s skills.

The episode was filled with laughter, banter, and an overall lighthearted atmosphere. Serena Williams and Jimmy Carr proved to be a dynamic duo, sharing their love for their respective crafts and entertaining the audience with their quick wit and playful personalities. It was clear that both athletes possess a deep passion for their careers and a genuine appreciation for the opportunities they have been given.