In a recent episode of the talk show Conan O’Brien, Albert Brooks and Rob Reiner sat down for a lively and heartwarming conversation about their famous fathers. Both Brooks and Reiner have been good friends since high school, and they opened up about the similarities in their lives, particularly the impact their fathers had on them.

Brooks shared the heartbreaking story of losing his father at an early age. He revealed that his father died while performing at a Friar’s Club roast on stage. It was a loss that deeply affected him, and he recounted a chilling moment when his father’s death became apparent to him. One night, his father used to go to sleep with the radio on, and his mother would turn it off while he was asleep. However, one morning, he woke up to find the radio still on at 3 o’clock in the morning. It was at that moment that he knew his father had passed away.

Reiner, on the other hand, spoke about his father’s health issues throughout his life. His father had been sickly, and while his brothers had experienced a healthier version of their dad, Reiner was born when his father’s health was already declining. This led him to grow up constantly worried about his father’s well-being. Unlike Brooks, Reiner’s experience wasn’t marked by a sudden or unexpected loss but rather a continuous concern for his father’s health.

The conversation took a poignant turn as both Brooks and Reiner discussed their fathers’ careers. Reiner revealed that his dad, Carl Reiner, had an incredible performance at a Friar’s Club roast in 1958, just before his untimely passing. He described how his father absolutely destroyed on stage and then sat back down at his seat, only to pass away moments later. Reiner marveled at the fact that his father finished his performance before his sudden demise, something that comedians often talk about with a tinge of wistfulness.

Brooks chimed in, sharing an interesting anecdote about the frantic attempts to save the evening after his father’s death. He mentioned how Milton Berle, a well-known comedian at the time, asked a singer named Tony Martin to go up on stage and sing his hit song called “There’s No Tomorrow.” This bizarre situation unfolded while Brooks’ father was being worked on backstage, creating a strange juxtaposition of life and death.

Despite the sadness surrounding their fathers’ passing, both Brooks and Reiner fondly remembered their dads. They shared stories of their fathers’ incredible personalities and their support and encouragement toward their sons’ careers. Reiner spoke about his father’s kindness and warmth, mentioning that his first appearance on Conan’s late-night show involved his father miming peeing at the back of the set to mark his territory. Despite the audience’s lack of understanding, Reiner cherished that moment as a testament to his father’s unique sense of humor.

Brooks also shared a touching story about the only time his father offered him encouragement. It happened when Brooks directed a production of Jean-Paul Sartre’s play, “No Exit.” After the show, his father came backstage and complimented his work, looking him in the eye and expressing his approval. It was a significant moment for Brooks, as it was the first time his father acknowledged his talent and offered him encouragement.

The conversation took a slight detour as the duo reminisced about their early days in comedy. They revealed that they had previously worked together in a doubles act with Larry Bishop, the son of comedian Joey Bishop. They recalled performing in various nightclubs and even mentioned a humorous incident involving performing in a guy’s house called “L’s Lair” during their high school days. Despite the oddity of the situation, it was a memorable experience that brought together friends and sparked their shared journey into comedy.

Throughout the conversation, it was evident that both Brooks and Reiner had an immense respect and love for their fathers. Despite the sadness of their fathers’ untimely departures, they cherished the memories and the impact their fathers had on their lives. Their stories served as a testament to the profound influence fathers can have on their children and the legacy they leave behind.

As fans of Conan O’Brien, it was heartwarming to witness this engaging chat between two talented individuals who have shared such personal experiences. The insights into their lives and the comedic world provided a fascinating glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of famous families. Albert Brooks and Rob Reiner truly exemplified the power of friendship and the enduring legacies of their famous dads.