The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is back with another exciting episode, and this time, they’re tackling some hot topics. The show starts off with a bang as host Stephen Colbert welcomes everyone and sets the stage for an entertaining night.

The big news of the day comes from Colorado, where the Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is disqualified from holding office. Colbert wastes no time in poking fun at the situation, remarking that Colorado knows how to make good decisions when they’re high. He paints a hilarious image of Trump’s reaction when he heard the news, joking that he must have been as mad as a ketchup stain on his wall.

The ruling is based on the 14th Amendment, specifically the Insurrection clause, which states that no one can hold office if they have engaged in insurrection or rebellion. Colbert humorously points out that Trump’s “insurrection” refers to the events of January 6th, and his “aid and comfort to enemies” is his side hustle, getting his beak wet.

Colbert acknowledges that this ruling is unprecedented, as the 14th Amendment has never been invoked against someone running for president. The Colorado justices were well aware of this fact and made their decision with little difficulty, considering the evidence, including the events of January 6th.

But here’s the twist: all of Trump’s primary opponents actually want to keep him on the ballot. Colbert finds this ironic and amusing, comparing it to the famous soda slogan, “Pepsi: the choice of you should drink Coke.” He jokes that it’s a competition, and Trump’s opponents are vying for the title of the “Baba Duke,” the second most popular candidate.

Of course, the folks over at Fox News are not happy about this ruling. Colbert playfully pokes fun at their reaction, calling them “unhinged lunatics” and pointing out that they definitely don’t look like dangerous deranged lunatics—except for maybe Richard L. Gabriel, also known as the Mesa County maniac.

The late-night host then turns his attention to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who has been making headlines for accepting free gifts from wealthy conservative donors. Colbert paints a vivid picture of Thomas hiding all his free stuff under his robe and sarcastically comments on the luxury vacations and private school tuition he’s been enjoying.

But the highlight of the show comes when Colbert delves into Trump’s recent speeches, comparing them to quotes from Hitler. He hilariously imitates Trump, quoting his statements about immigrants and even jokingly denies ever reading “Mein Kampf,” adding that he reached the same conclusions as Hitler independently. Colbert’s witty commentary on Trump’s energy policy and a bizarre instructional video on caucusing in Iowa keeps the audience entertained throughout the night.

As the episode comes to a close, Colbert teases the upcoming show with guest Nicki Minaj and an animated holiday special. With its lively atmosphere and sharp comedic commentary, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert keeps viewers entertained and coming back for more.