President Joe Biden recently appeared on the talk show “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend”, where he shared his optimistic outlook for the future of America. In a lively and engaging conversation, President Biden discussed a wide range of topics, highlighting the extraordinary times we are living in.

During the interview, President Biden quoted Vladimir Lenin, acknowledging that there are periods where nothing happens and others where everything happens. He expressed his belief that we are currently living through one of those extraordinary times, where the world seems to be turning on its axis every 36 hours.

Conan O’Brien asked President Biden if there were moments when he wished for a little more tranquility, to which he replied with a humorous anecdote about a cranial aneurysm he had in 1988. The doctor explained to him that his problem was being a congenital optimist, which resonated with President Biden’s character.

However, despite the challenges and personal tragedy he has faced, President Biden stated that he has never been more optimistic about America’s chances. He initially had no plans to run for president again after losing his son Beau, but now believes that the decisions made in the next few years will shape the course of the country and the world for the next several decades.

President Biden highlighted the importance of preventing Ukraine from collapsing and the need to hold NATO together tightly. He also discussed the opportunity to change the dynamic in Europe for generations to come. Drawing from his own experiences, he shared a heartfelt message his mother used to say, emphasizing the importance of finding something good even in the midst of hardship.

The conversation then turned to foreign policy and President Biden’s confusion regarding the stance of some Republicans on Ukraine. He expressed concern over the changing world due to global warming, as well as the actions of countries like China and Russia. President Biden stressed the need for countries to work together in building infrastructure and addressing common challenges.

In a candid moment, President Biden shared his desire to bring South Korea and Japan together. He emphasized the importance of relationships and understanding between world leaders, citing his past experiences with Chinese President Xi Jinping. President Biden sees the world as a smaller place that requires cooperation and adherence to international rules.

Throughout the interview, President Biden exhibited his congenital optimism and belief in America’s capacity to overcome crises. He acknowledged the downside and challenges but remained steadfast in his belief that the United States has always emerged stronger from every crisis. President Biden sees it as our obligation and opportunity to leave future generations a better world.

In conclusion, President Joe Biden‘s appearance on “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” was a captivating discussion that showcased his optimism and vision for the future of America. He expressed his unwavering belief in our collective ability to overcome challenges and build a better world for all. President Biden’s words resonated with viewers, reminding us of the United States’ capacity for resilience and growth.