The audience of The Ellen Degeneres Show was in for a real treat when the host decided to play a game called “Lifetime Original Movie or Not.” As Ellen explained, Lifetime is a cable channel known for its made-for-TV movies based on true and often heart-wrenching stories. The game involved Ellen reading out titles, and the audience had to determine if they were real Lifetime movies or ones that Ellen made up.

The excitement in the studio was palpable as the game began. Contestant number one, Christie, a student of optician optical dispensing, seemed confident in her knowledge of Lifetime movies. As Ellen read out the titles, Christie quickly determined whether they were lifetime or not. She was off to a good start, correctly identifying “Love, Honor, and Deceive” as a Lifetime movie and “Terror in the Mall” as not a Lifetime movie.

The game continued with contestant number two, Kelly, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology. Kelly, who didn’t know Christie, aimed to outperform her predecessor. With her background in psychology, Kelly joked about analyzing Ellen’s normality. As the clock started ticking, she confidently shouted “Lifetime” or “Not.” Kelly impressed the audience by correctly identifying titles such as “When the Cradle Falls” as a Lifetime movie.

Contestant number three, Cindy, a childcare worker from LA, was up next. Cindy, who cared for 220 children, shared her love for Lifetime movies, much to the dismay of her husband. With an office job at the childcare center, Cindy desperately hoped to take home a prize. She put her knowledge to the test, successfully identifying movies like “Seduced by Madness” as a Lifetime movie.

By the end of the game, the audience was buzzing with excitement. Contestants had stepped up to the challenge and showcased their expertise in the world of Lifetime movies. Some lucky participants walked away with prizes, including a retro toaster oven and a coffee maker.

The game “Lifetime Original Movie or Not” was certainly a highlight of The Ellen Degeneres Show. Ellen managed to create an engaging and entertaining atmosphere, captivating both the contestants and the viewers at home. It’s safe to say that this game provided a delightful break from everyday life, leaving everyone eagerly awaiting the next episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show.

Originally aired on January 9, 2004