Conan O’Brien has been hosting his popular talk show for years, and over time, he has had many memorable guests and moments on the show. However, there is one sound clip from a recent podcast that Conan has declared his favorite audio moment yet.

The podcast episode featured iconic filmmaker and director Werner Herzog as a guest. The conversation was nothing short of amazing, and Conan loved every bit of it. But it was a particular moment that stood out to him, something that he never expected to hear from Werner Herzog‘s mouth.

While discussing pop culture and trying to stay somewhat familiar with it, Werner Herzog mentioned a reality show. He started by saying he wasn’t sure if it was still on, and then he proceeded to mention the show’s full title in his unique delivery. The combination of his distinctive voice and the name of the reality show, “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” delighted Conan and stayed in his head for days.

Conan couldn’t help but express his joy about this unexpected moment. He even mentioned how that sound clip has the power to cure cancer, end all wars, reduce carbon emissions, and close the ozone layer. To Conan, it was the last thing he expected to come out of Werner Herzog‘s mouth, and it became something he couldn’t forget.

The clip, which captures Werner Herzog saying “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” in his voice, has become a favorite among fans. People have been eagerly sharing and talking about it, recognizing the uniqueness of the situation where two cultural icons, Werner Herzog and “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” collided.

Conan’s enthusiasm about this moment is contagious. He even expressed his desire for a dance song featuring the looped sound clip. The idea of having creative fans remixing the clip is exciting, and it shows just how much impact this moment has had on Conan and his audience.

It’s clear that Conan has a deep admiration for Werner Herzog and his work, but he also acknowledges their shared guilty pleasure of enjoying reality shows. In a way, Conan feels connected to Werner Herzog through this common interest.

As Conan reflected on this favorite sound clip, he mentioned wanting to hear it over and over again. He even jokingly stated that when his time comes to leave this Earth, he wishes to be accompanied by the repeated sound of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.” While this may seem lighthearted, it illustrates the lasting impression this moment has made on Conan.

Overall, the convergence of Werner Herzog and “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” on Conan’s talk show is a testament to the unpredictable nature of entertainment. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected moments can become the most cherished. And in this case, Conan’s favorite sound clip has certainly left a lasting impact on him and his audience.