On a recent episode of the talk show Conan O’Brien, Conan and his guests discussed the struggles of dating and relationships. The conversation started when a fan named Cammy opened up about her boring life and expressed her admiration for Conan and his comedic take on mundane topics, such as the episode where he ranted about pens with his sidekick Son.

Conan and Cammy bonded over their shared love for bold precision grip pens and their disdain for fine point pens that are stingy with the ink. They both agreed that the attitude of a pen should be generous with the ink and not act as if it is a valuable resource to be saved. Conan jokingly questioned whether he had talked Cammy out of being a fan during their conversation, but she assured him that she was still a loyal fan.

As the conversation continued, Conan asked Cammy about her own life and what she was looking for to spice it up. Cammy mentioned that she was single and looking for someone who could make fun of themselves and have a self-deprecating sense of humor. When asked about physical preferences, Cammy admitted that she liked taller partners, preferably over 6 feet. Conan amusingly pointed out the irony of her preference, given that she herself is only 5’2″.

Cammy clarified that she exclusively dates older men who are well-off and single. Conan playfully pitched the idea of being married with no benefits, earning a laugh from the audience. Curious about the age difference in her relationships, Conan tried to recall the socially acceptable age rule, but struggled with the calculations. Eventually, they determined that for Cammy, the acceptable age range would be up to 60.

Conan jokingly asked Cammy if she found him creepy, considering he had just turned 60 himself. Cammy denied thinking that but playfully mentioned that his appearance might give off a touristy vibe, imagining him with a duty-free bag from the magazine stands at an American airport. Conan took the comment in stride and humorously remarked on their back-and-forth banter, labeling it as their first fight.

Overall, the discussion about dating math on Conan O’Brien‘s talk show was filled with humor and lightheartedness. The audience enjoyed the playful exchange between Conan and Cammy, proving once again that Conan O’Brien knows how to entertain his fans with his wit and charm.