On a recent episode of the talk show Conan O’Brien, a devoted fan named Isabelle made headlines by sharing her commitment to listening to the show’s podcast. What sets Isabelle apart is the fact that she lives in a rural area of southern West Virginia with no cell service or internet access at her home. To listen to the podcast, she drives over an hour to her church, where she can use their office’s internet connection.
Isabelle revealed that she has been a fan of Conan O’Brien and the podcast since day one. Living without regular cell service and internet access, podcasts have become her primary source of entertainment. She explained that she downloads episodes while she’s in town and then listens to them at home. Despite the 30 to 40-minute drive between town and home, Isabelle remains dedicated and makes the effort to stay up-to-date with Conan’s show.
When asked about her podcast preferences, Isabelle shared that she tries to find a balance between comedy and educational content. Having limited internet access even in town, downloading podcasts takes time. She used to listen to True Crime shows but has shifted to more toddler-friendly options due to having a two-year-old son named Gideon. Isabelle jokingly mentioned that Conan and his team should consider making a toddler-friendly show for fans like her.
Isabelle’s dedication to Conan O’Brien and his podcast is even more impressive considering her life situation. She and her husband moved to rural West Virginia from Northern California in 2018 to start a farm. Isabelle admitted that they are first-generation farmers and are learning as they go. Their goal is to eventually achieve self-sustainability, and they have already embarked on various agricultural projects. They currently raise bees, chickens, beef, dairy cows, turkeys, and ducks. Isabelle explained that their ultimate aim is to be able to grow or raise all of their own food, a feat that showcases their determination and hard work.
Conan expressed his admiration for Isabelle and her commitment to their show despite the challenges she faces. He jokingly offered to teach Gideon about True Crime, implying that it might be time for the toddler to learn about the darker side of the world. Isabelle welcomed the idea, mentioning that her son enjoys spending time with their cows and that the animals on their farm receive plenty of love and attention.
Isabelle’s story is a fascinating glimpse into the life of a dedicated fan who goes to great lengths to enjoy her favorite content. Her drive to listen to Conan O’Brien‘s podcast showcases her unwavering support and love for the show. It’s stories like Isabelle’s that remind us of the powerful connection that entertainment can create, transcending distances and bridging gaps.