On a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, actress Emily Blunt made an appearance to discuss her latest film, “Oppenheimer.” The actress, known for her roles in “The Devil Wears Prada” and “A Quiet Place,” charmed the audience with her delightful personality and infectious energy.

Blunt entered the stage with a characteristic high kick, showcasing her hoofer skills and captivating the audience. Sporting an absolutely beautiful outfit, she engaged in a conversation with Colbert about her fashion choice, which happened to be the same outfit Lenny Kravitz wore at the Golden Globes.

When asked about her experience working on “Oppenheimer,” Blunt revealed her emotional reaction to the film. She described how the film’s execution was both beautifully shot and horrifying, leaving her silent for five minutes before bursting into tears. Blunt considered it to be Christopher Nolan‘s greatest movie and expressed her pride in being a part of it.

Blunt also shared an amusing anecdote about her initial meeting with Nolan. Describing him as the most understated person she had ever met, she recounted how the acclaimed director casually invited her to be a part of the film while leaning against a pillar in his house. She even mentioned that Nolan handed her the script on red paper, as he believed it couldn’t be easily copied.

During their conversation, Blunt couldn’t resist imitating Nolan’s understated demeanor, much to the amusement of the audience. She also revealed Nolan’s dislike for Ugg boots, recalling a moment when he insisted she take them off while wearing them on set.

In response to Nolan’s hatred for Ugg boots, Blunt decided to gift him a pair. This has now become her signature move, as she jokingly stated that giving people Ugg boots has become “her thing.” Blunt presented Nolan with a pair on the talk show, and he sportingly tried them on, much to the delight of the audience.

Blunt’s charm and down-to-earth nature made for an entertaining and lively interview. Her discussion about “Oppenheimer” and her interactions with Christopher Nolan added an intriguing behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of the film. As always, Blunt’s energy and wit left a lasting impression on both the audience and Colbert.

Fans of Blunt and Nolan’s work will undoubtedly be excited to see “Oppenheimer” and witness the incredible performances delivered by the talented cast. With Blunt’s endorsement, it’s clear that the film is a must-watch for any cinema lover.

Overall, Blunt’s appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert was a delightful and engaging experience. Blunt’s infectious charm and Nolan’s quirky preferences made for an entertaining conversation that left viewers eager to see “Oppenheimer” and perhaps even sport a pair of Ugg boots themselves.