On a recent episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, the hilarious Zarna Garg made her late-night debut, delivering a stand-up routine that had the audience in stitches. Garg, who is also the host of “The Zarna Garg Family Podcast” on YouTube, brought her unique perspective as an immigrant to the forefront, sharing anecdotes about her experiences in America.

Garg kicked off her routine by revealing that she is an immigrant, and often faces questions about her backstory. With her trademark wit, she joked about the challenges of immigrating, including flying coach and navigating the complexities of American life.

One of the highlights of Garg’s routine was when she recounted her 11-year-old son coming home from school and asking for guidance on how to declare his pronouns. Garg cleverly replied, “You tell them you’re Indian. Your pronoun is ‘doctor.'” The audience erupted in laughter and applause, fully appreciating Garg’s sharp comedic timing.

Garg also shared insights into her family life, admitting that she has two boys and one girl. In her playful manner, Garg joked, “One girl. Whatever about her.” She further revealed that her daughter is dating a white boy, assuring the audience that it’s just a phase and that she has been supportive. Garg hilariously added, “You do you, whatever makes you happy. Because if I don’t say that, that’s six more sessions at $350 an hour.”

Drawing on the contrast between her immigrant perspective and her American-born children’s views, Garg recalled a humorous situation where her kids introduced her to the popular reality show, “The Bachelor.” The show, known for its extravagant dates and love connections, led to her son questioning his parents’ relationship because he never saw them making out like the contestants on the show. Garg’s witty response had the audience in an uproar, as she playfully mentioned that their love life didn’t need to be televised.

Garg also touched on Indian culture and stereotypes, sharing a hilarious take on the Kama Sutra. She entertained the audience with a lighthearted comparison between Indian men and the Kama Sutra, stating that while Indian people may have written it, no Indian man has actually read it. Drawing parallels with the American Constitution, Garg’s observation prompted applause and laughter from the crowd.

Before wrapping up her set, Garg proudly announced that her 17-year-old son had recently grown to be 5’8″ and 1/4 inches tall. She humorously mentioned that America had made him taller, jokingly commenting on the average height of Indian men and the lack of a Hindu god for height. Her anecdote about their prayers for height and the irony of having extra arms without the ability to reach anything left the audience in stitches.

Zarna Garg‘s captivating stand-up routine on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon showcased her comedic talent and ability to connect with the audience through her experiences as an immigrant. Her unique perspective, witty storytelling, and clever punchlines kept viewers entertained from start to finish. To catch more of Zarna Garg‘s comedy, be sure to check out “The Zarna Garg Family Podcast” on YouTube.