During a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, Conan O’Brien himself dished out some fashion advice to one of his staff members, Aaron Bleyaert. The host had previously criticized Bleyaert’s attire, which Conan believed reflected a generation that has lost its way in terms of fashion. In an attempt to rectify the situation, Conan asked Bleyaert to come back looking his best in a formal suit.

When Bleyaert made his grand entrance, it was clear that he took Conan’s advice to heart. Conan greeted him with admiration, stating that Bleyaert looked “fantastic.” However, Bleyaert expressed discomfort and confessed that he didn’t feel good in his newly acquired suit. According to Bleyaert, there were too many layers and clothes, making him feel stifled. Conan tried to convince him that dressing well could earn him respect from others, but Bleyaert remained unconvinced.

The conversation then turned towards the idea of a standard uniform for everyone at the show. Conan, always one for grand ideas, suggested implementing a uniform that would be both stylish and practical. Bleyaert seemed more intrigued by the idea and pointed out that uniforms are often worn by professionals in various fields. Furthermore, they can eliminate the stress of choosing an outfit each day and create a sense of unity among the staff.

Conan expressed his desire to break the news of this potential uniform policy to another staff member, Andy Richter. He even joked about Richter’s reaction, saying that he would love to see him physically beat Bleyaert. As the discussion continued, it became apparent that Conan was genuinely excited about the concept and began envisioning different tiers of uniforms that would reflect the roles and ranks of the employees.

The idea of uniforms gained more support as they discussed how it could benefit new employees just starting out. The concept resembled the styles seen in movies like John Wick, where different members of an organization have their own specific look based on their roles.

Ultimately, Conan’s enthusiasm for implementing stylish and utilitarian uniforms at the talk show is contagious, and it seems that the staff is onboard with exploring this idea further. The next step will involve designing the uniforms and finding a consensus on the final look. With Conan’s keen eye for fashion and their in-house costume designer, it’s safe to say that the results will be remarkable. Stay tuned to see if this talk show will become a fashion-forward hotspot with its unique dress code.