During a recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show, actress Da’Vine Joy Randolph shared a shocking and intense experience she had with criminality in real life. The incident involved a dim sum restaurant and resulted in Randolph fleeing the scene with kitchen knives.

Randolph began by explaining that at the time of the incident, she was a vegan, which she humorously mentioned as potentially contributing to her bad karma. Despite her dietary restrictions, her best friend convinced her to try dim sum, which typically includes pork, shrimp, and chicken. Reluctantly, Randolph agreed to go.

She described the scene at the restaurant as calm and enjoyable until she heard a commotion and noticed people rushing in. Initially, she thought it might be a flash mob or some show business-related event because of the energetic atmosphere. However, as the situation escalated and people started screaming, she realized something serious was happening.

In a moment of quick thinking, Randolph followed the fleeing crowd and ended up in the restaurant’s kitchen. Knowing that restaurants often have sharp kitchen knives, she decided to arm herself for whatever may lie ahead. She collected multiple knives, possibly from the sushi section as well, and prepared herself for the unknown.

Amidst the chaos, Randolph heard a woman screaming about her baby, adding to the tension and fear in the air. However, a reassuring moment came when a man approached her and revealed he was in the Marines. This eased Randolph’s worries, knowing she had an ally.

Eventually, it was revealed that the incident was a smash and grab robbery. The restaurant happened to be connected to a jewelry store that had employed a private detective who was authorized to carry arms. When the criminals attempted to flee through the mall, they were met with armed resistance, leading to a dramatic and intense situation.

As Randolph recounted her experience on The Graham Norton Show, the audience was amazed and impressed by her quick thinking and bravery in such a terrifying situation. Norton himself praised her ability to keep calm and handle the emergency with grace.

While the incident itself was certainly alarming, Randolph’s retelling of the story was both humorous and exciting. Her distinctive storytelling style and witty remarks had the audience engaged and entertained throughout the interview.

Da’Vine Joy Randolph‘s appearance on The Graham Norton Show provided not only a dramatic story but also a glimpse of her personality and ability to captivate an audience. Fans of the talk show and Randolph’s work will surely be discussing this episode for some time to come, as it showcased her as not only a talented actress but also an individual capable of handling intense situations with grace and humor.