In an exciting turn of events, David Letterman invited Jon Stewart as a guest on his talk show to announce his upcoming role as the new host of “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central. The two renowned comedians engaged in a lively conversation, discussing everything from holiday seasons to predictions about the end of the Millennium.

During their chat, Jon Stewart shared a heartwarming story about visiting his 94-year-old grandfather, who was born in 1905. He fondly described his grandfather’s remarkable life, which included fascinating tales of being raised in China and working as a fur trader. Stewart’s endearing anecdotes seamlessly captivated the audience, highlighting the close bond he shares with his family.

As the conversation continued, David Letterman congratulated Jon Stewart on his new gig. Stewart expressed his enthusiasm, noting that hosting a show night after night, like Letterman, is incredibly rewarding. In a touching moment, Stewart even referred to Letterman as his “late-night Patch Adams,” expressing his admiration for the talk show host.

The duo also teased each other about their past experiences. Letterman humorously mentioned being a guest on Stewart’s previous show after it was canceled. Stewart playfully responded by penciling Letterman in as a guest for his future show, confidently stating that he won’t be getting canceled again.

Stewart briefly talked about his film career, mentioning his involvement in movies like “The Faculty” and the yet-to-be-released “Playing by Heart.” He shared a humorous anecdote about the pay cuts taken by some big-name actors involved in the latter film, contrasting it with his own reaction to his paycheck.

The interview concluded with the airing of a clip from “Playing by Heart,” an ensemble piece featuring an impressive lineup of stars. Stewart jokingly explained that the term “ensemble” is French for “my part’s too small,” adding his signature wit to the conversation.

With this entertaining exchange between David Letterman and Jon Stewart, it’s clear that Stewart’s transition to the host of “The Daily Show” is eagerly anticipated. Fans and viewers are excited to see how Stewart’s unique comedic style will shape the show, ensuring that late-night satire and laughter will continue to reign supreme on Comedy Central.

Please note that the air date for this episode was not provided.