In a recent episode of the talk show Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend, Conan O’Brien engaged in an existential conversation with actress Natasha Lyonne. The two delved deep into topics ranging from intelligence and education to their fascination with dark figures from history. The lively and rambling discussion kept viewers entertained and engaged throughout.

Conan, known for his quick wit and vibrant personality, began by remarking on Natasha’s intelligence, stating, “I just get the sense that you’re intelligent and you read a lot because I feel like you would do. Do you read widely? Do you read all different kinds of stuff?” Natasha humbly responded, admitting that while she may not consider herself exceptionally intelligent, she does enjoy reading various genres, including history.

The conversation took a fascinating turn when the topic of Natasha’s time in rehab came up. Reminiscing about that period, Natasha revealed that she walked around with a biography of Rasputin. While Conan initially found this intriguing, Natasha clarified that it was during her drug-addled days that she discovered an interest in Thomas Pynchon’s “Against the Day” and other literature. However, she still cherishes her ragged copy of the Rasputin biography.

Natasha further delved into her self-education journey, sharing that her love for movies prompted her to treat the film forum as her film school. She would explore the works of great directors like Billy Wilder and follow the rabbit hole of knowledge, deepening her understanding of the history of cinema. Additionally, she expressed her fascination with the idea that the more she knows, the more she realizes how little she actually understands.

Conan added his perspective on knowledge and self-worth, stating, “I think nothing I do in this life is going to outlast me that much, and I mean that in a comforting way.” He emphasized the futility of seeking immortality through one’s work and argued that it’s essential to embrace humility and accept the limited impact we have on the world.

The conversation took a lighter turn as Natasha and Conan humorously discussed their undying love for inanimate objects. They both recounted instances of misplacing and obsessing over trivial possessions, recognizing the absurdity of such attachments.

In their characteristic banter, Conan and Natasha touched on topics such as the Roosevelts’ Christmas gifts collection and the transience of material possessions. They ultimately concluded that embracing the impermanence of life can be a comforting and liberating perspective.

The lively and existential conversation between Natasha Lyonne and Conan O’Brien captivated viewers, showcasing their intellectual curiosity and profound insights. As always, Conan brought his unique blend of humor and thoughtfulness to the discussion, leaving viewers pondering the mysteries of existence long after the episode ended.