On a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” the host took a moment to bid farewell to the legendary country music artist, Toby Keith. Colbert expressed his shock and sadness upon hearing the news of Keith’s passing at the age of 62 from stomach cancer. The talk show host shared that he and Keith had developed a friendship over the years, despite initial rumors that Colbert had “knives out” for some of his guests.

Colbert recounted a pivotal moment before going on stage with Keith where he reminded himself to make his guest feel welcome and get to know him as a person. This decision led to a great conversation between the two, and Keith even complimented Colbert on his hosting skills, leaving a lasting impact on the host. Colbert’s former head writer, Allison Silverman, even had the compliment stitched onto a pillow for him as a gift.

The late Toby Keith had an incredible rise to fame, starting from working on an oil rig in Oklahoma to becoming a successful country music artist. Over his three-decade-long career, Keith achieved impressive feats, including 20 Billboard number one songs and 42 top 10 hits. His music resonated with fans, thanks to his unapologetic patriotism, outspokenness, and relatable songwriting.

Keith made several appearances on “The Late Show,” including Colbert’s Christmas special in 2008. On one of these occasions, Keith gifted Colbert a guitar, which now holds special meaning as Colbert’s son plays it. One of Colbert’s greatest honors was inducting Keith into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and getting to sing “As Good As I Once Was,” a song that Colbert used to listen to every night before going on stage.

Colbert acknowledged that he and Keith may have had different opinions on various topics, like many Americans today. Despite their disagreements, Colbert emphasized the importance of not judging people too quickly, a lesson he learned from Keith. With Keith’s passing, Colbert plans to remember this lesson and hopes others will do the same, as there is increasing division and anger among people in the world.

In his heartfelt tribute, Colbert extended an invitation to everyone, regardless of their differences, to join him in being “brokenhearted” over the loss of Toby Keith. The talk show host showed gratitude for the friendship that developed between them and the impact Keith had on his life.

This touching farewell to Toby Keith on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” highlighted the complex and genuine connection between the late country music star and the talk show host. As fans mourn Keith’s loss, they can find solace in knowing that his legacy as a talented performer, patriot, and insightful songwriter will live on through his music.