In a recent episode of the talk show hosted by David Letterman, Jennifer Garner shared an exhilarating and somewhat terrifying experience she had with a hammerhead shark. Garner, who stars in the film “Valentine’s Day,” was invited to the show to promote the movie’s release. The audience greeted her with applause as she took the stage, looking radiant and delightful as always.
During the conversation with Letterman, Garner discussed her experience with modeling and the pressure for actors to look like models. She laughed off the idea of posing in a swimsuit, mentioning that there was not enough money or double-sided tape in the world to keep everything in place. Letterman, however, complimented her appearance, suggesting that she still looked pretty good.
The conversation then took an unexpected turn as Garner shared a thrilling story about being put in a shark tank for an acting role. She explained that many years ago, she was cast as a special guest star in an episode of “Fantasy Island” that had Malcolm McDowell in it. In the episode, Garner played a magical dolphin who could transform into a girl.
To shoot an underwater scene, the production team took her to a local aquarium. As Garner approached the tank, she was shocked to see that it was full of hammerhead and tiger sharks. Although she was a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) member, she realized there were no rules preventing them from putting her in the tank with the sharks.
Assured that the sharks had been fed and would pose no danger, Garner mustered up the courage to proceed. She was given oxygen and descended into the tank. Swimming alongside the sharks, Garner recalled a moment of panic as she came face to face with a massive hammerhead shark. In a lighthearted remark, she humorously confessed that her first thought was, “Julia Roberts does not have to do this!”
Despite the initial shock, Garner persevered and successfully completed the scene. She resurfaced and treaded water above, all while being aware that the sharks were swimming beneath her. Reflecting on the experience, she admitted that the face-to-face encounter with the shark was both terrifying and exhilarating.
After sharing this captivating story, Letterman commended Garner’s bravery and suggested that she write a book about her unique experiences. Garner then shifted the conversation towards her involvement in the film “Valentine’s Day.” She described her character, Julia Fitzpatrick, as an optimistic school teacher who finds herself in a complicated love situation. Garner also mentioned Ashton Kutcher‘s role as her best friend in the film.
To give the audience a glimpse of the movie, a clip was shown featuring Garner attending a “hate Valentine’s Day” party after having her heartbroken. The clip portrayed the cynical attitude towards love that some people develop throughout the years.
In conclusion, Jennifer Garner‘s appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show was filled with entertaining anecdotes and laughter. From her amusing thoughts on modeling to her thrilling encounter with a hammerhead shark, Garner’s captivating storytelling ability kept the audience engaged. As her new film “Valentine’s Day” hits theaters, fans can look forward to seeing her in a role that explores the complexities of love.