During a recent episode of the popular talk show, “David Letterman,” the host shared a hilarious anecdote about his interaction with a policeman. As he recounted the story, it became clear that David Letterman has a knack for getting pulled over by law enforcement. Despite his unfortunate track record, he managed to avoid receiving a ticket this time around.
Letterman explained that while driving to work, he noticed a radar car and decided to speed past it. As expected, he was soon pulled over by the policeman who had caught up to him. When asked why he had been pulled over, Letterman didn’t try to be clever or make excuses. Instead, he admitted to the officer that he had been going 75 miles per hour.
Surprisingly, the policeman was taken aback by Letterman’s straightforwardness. He decided not to give him a ticket, acknowledging that he appreciated the fact that the talk show host had owned up to his mistake. Letterman found the officer’s leniency rather nice, considering he hadn’t expected to get off without a ticket.
In a funny twist, Letterman speculated whether the policeman had ever seen his talk show, revealing that he remained completely anonymous during the interaction. It seems that even if the officer had been a fan, it wouldn’t have influenced his decision. Letterman’s story showed that being honest and upfront can sometimes work in your favor, even with traffic violations.
This humorous anecdote from “David Letterman” provided viewers with a glimpse into the host’s unique experiences with the law. Letterman’s ability to entertain his audience shines through as he shares his amusing encounter. With his signature wit and storytelling skills, Letterman’s stories continue to captivate audiences on his popular talk show.