Billy Joel, the six-time Grammy award-winning singer and songwriter, recently made an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where he discussed his decision to release new music after a 30-year gap. The interview was filled with excitement and laughter as Billy engaged with the audience and shared his thoughts on songwriting, fame, and the music industry.

During the interview, Stephen Colbert expressed his admiration for Billy’s new song, “Turn the Lights Back On”, which is his first release in three decades. Billy revealed that the inspiration to create new music came unexpectedly, after meeting a passionate fan who encouraged him to consider writing again. Initially, Billy had not anticipated this turn of events, but the meeting sparked a newfound interest in songwriting.

When asked about his enjoyment in writing and releasing new music, Billy emphasized that it was never about the music business for him. Instead, his focus was purely on the music itself and the joy of collaborating with talented musicians. He admitted to having more unreleased music, primarily instrumental and melodic compositions, which he compared to the reclusive writer JD Salinger, who enjoyed writing but disliked the publishing and celebrity aspects of the industry.

Exploring the topic of fame, Billy acknowledged that being famous does have its perks, such as gaining recognition and validation. However, he also expressed his discomfort with music award shows and the competitive nature they bring. Billy prefers the camaraderie and interaction with fellow musicians rather than turning music into a contest of whose song is better. He believes that true value lies in the audience’s appreciation rather than relying solely on awards and accolades.

The interview with Billy Joel on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert was lively and amusing, providing viewers with a glimpse into the mindset of the legendary singer-songwriter. Billy’s decision to release new music after a long hiatus has undoubtedly stirred excitement among his fans. With his unique perspective on fame and the music industry, Billy continues to captivate audiences with his heartfelt melodies and timeless compositions.