Bradley Cooper recently appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and had everyone in stitches with his infectious laughter. The interview took a hilarious turn as the two celebrities struggled to keep a straight face and get through the conversation without bursting into laughter.

Cooper began by sharing a funny story about attending his high school reunion. He explained how one of his former classmates, who was known for being the star athlete, couldn’t believe that Cooper had become a famous actor. The interaction left both of them in stitches as they tried to comprehend the unexpected turn of events.

As the interview continued, Cooper and Fallon found themselves unable to control their laughter, resulting in a series of hysterical moments. They stumbled through their lines, made mistakes, and even broke character multiple times. It was evident that they were genuinely having a great time and thoroughly enjoying each other’s company.

The highlight of the interview was when Cooper and Fallon discussed Clint Eastwood, who directed Cooper in the film “American Sniper.” As they tried to talk about the serious subject matter, both of them found it impossible to keep a straight face. They constantly broke into laughter, making it clear that the topic was not suitable for seriousness.

The interview showcased the genuine camaraderie between Cooper and Fallon. It was evident that they share a great rapport and have a natural ability to make each other laugh. Their infectious energy and hilarious interactions made this interview one for the books.

Overall, Bradley Cooper‘s appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon was a laugh-out-loud experience. The interview was filled with genuine moments of amusement and showcased Cooper’s infectious laughter. It was a testament to the power of laughter and the joy it brings in even the most unexpected situations.