In the latest episode of the iconic talk show hosted by David Letterman, we see the beloved host opening up the CBS mailbag to share some interesting letters from actual viewers. The episode starts off with a letter from Kevin Maguire of San Antonio, Texas, who reveals that he has been inspired by Letterman’s example to change his ways and avoid surgery. Little does he know that the building engineer, George Clark, has already followed in his footsteps.

As the conversation unfolds, it becomes apparent that there has been a misunderstanding. Letterman clarifies that it was actually him who had undergone surgery, not George. Nonetheless, George shares his newfound commitment to taking better care of himself, including taking the escalator instead of the elevator at the mall and opting for a hot dog and Kit Kats instead of popcorn with butter at the movies. Surprisingly, George also mentions that he has started smoking cigarettes to give his body the relaxation it needs, much to everyone’s shock.

Moving on to another topic, a viewer named Roy E Grim from Springfield, Virginia, asks Letterman about his favorite food. In a lighthearted manner, Letterman admits his weakness for fried chicken, but he recently saw a commercial for KFC that scared him. The commercial claims that their secret recipe now contains even more artery-clogging hog fat, making the chances of undergoing quintuple bypass surgery eleven times greater. Despite the warning, Letterman can’t deny that KFC is still tasty.

The educational aspect of the show is highlighted when a viewer named Dave Atkinson from Sacramento, California, applauds the talk show for being educational. Letterman agrees, mentioning a scene they have prepared for the evening. The scene features one of their stagehands named Pat Farmer, who educates young people about the dangers of drugs. It is a funny and relatable skit that delivers an important message.

In a hilarious moment, Letterman brings up an infomercial featuring Don Lepri, who claims that placing tiny classified ads in newspapers can make you millions. Letterman pokes fun at the idea, questioning the legitimacy of such claims. It becomes clear that Letterman views this as a potential lawsuit waiting to happen.

Towards the end of the episode, a viewer named Katie Malone from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, asks if there were any side effects from Letterman’s surgery. Letterman jokingly shares that there was one odd side effect, which they didn’t prepare him for. He mentions a tube that puzzled him and recalls the humor in discovering its purpose. Thankfully, the side effect eventually went away, leaving Letterman grateful for his life-changing procedure.

As the show wraps up, Letterman takes a moment to appreciate the comedic moments shared throughout the evening. With his trademark wit and humor, he reminds the audience that they can always count on the Late Show for a good laugh.

Overall, this episode of David Letterman‘s talk show was filled with entertaining moments, funny skits, and valuable insights. Fans of the show were surely delighted by another night of laughter and entertainment with their favorite talk show host.