In a recent appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show, actress Carey Mulligan shared some fascinating details about her childhood and her upcoming film. The interview was engaging and gave fans a glimpse into the life of this talented actress.

Carey Mulligan, known for her excellent performances in various films, including “An Education,” made her first talk show appearance on David Letterman‘s show. Mulligan expressed her excitement, describing it as an entirely new experience for her. As the conversation progressed, Mulligan discussed her latest film and the emotions it evoked in her.

Mulligan described “An Education” as a heartwarming and delightful film that is perfect for a weekend watch. She discussed how the movie moved her, starting with a little heartbreak and taking the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions. While being careful not to reveal any spoilers, Mulligan emphasized that the film ultimately leaves viewers feeling happy.

Letterman also took the opportunity to chat with Mulligan about her background. Mulligan revealed that she grew up living in hotels, as her father worked in the hotel industry. Living in hotels gave Mulligan a unique perspective on life, and she admitted that she sometimes behaved as if the entire hotel were her personal playground. From riding in the laundry cart to exploring the hotel’s facilities, Mulligan and her family embraced the hotel lifestyle. She also mentioned that the hotel staff became like extended family members to her.

Moving on from her childhood adventures, Mulligan discussed her experience working on “An Education” and the critical acclaim the film has received. She expressed her surprise and gratitude for the positive response the movie garnered, including rumors of potential Academy Award nominations for the film and her performance. Mulligan humbly attributed the film’s success to the dedication and hard work of the entire cast and crew.

Throughout the interview, Mulligan and Letterman displayed a warm rapport, discussing everything from her childhood memories to her future projects. Mulligan revealed that she had previously visited the United States as a tourist but now has the opportunity to travel for work, attending festivals and promoting her films.

In addition to “An Education,” Mulligan shared that she is currently shooting the sequel to “Wall Street” alongside director Oliver Stone. She explained that she initially felt some apprehension about taking on such a significant project but ultimately followed the signs that seemed to point her in the right direction.

The interview concluded with Letterman showing a clip from “An Education” and wishing Mulligan all the best with the film. Mulligan’s appearance on the show was entertaining and captivating, leaving viewers eager to see her upcoming projects.

In summary, Carey Mulligan‘s talk show appearance on David Letterman‘s show was not only her first-ever talk show experience but also a chance for her to discuss her latest film, “An Education.” Mulligan’s candid revelations about her childhood and her excitement for her future projects made for an enjoyable and engaging interview. Fans of the actress and the film will undoubtedly be eagerly awaiting their next opportunity to see Mulligan’s captivating performances.