In a recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kim Kardashian shared some fascinating stories about living next to Madonna, her unique push-up bra invention, and addressing online rumors. Kardashian revealed that she and her sister, Courtney, used to walk Madonna‘s dog when they were young and, in return, she gifted them with neon bracelets. Little did Kardashian know that years later, she would become neighbors with Madonna once again. She even mentioned running into the iconic singer while trick-or-treating.

Jimmy Kimmel couldn’t help but dig deeper into Kardashian’s latest venture, her shapewear company called Skims. In particular, he was curious about the U bra with built-in nipples. Kardashian admitted that the idea for the bra came from her own breasts. She also mentioned the positive feedback she received from breast cancer survivors, which further affirmed the impact of her invention.

During the interview, Kimmel also jokingly suggested adding a third nipple to the bra and discussed the possibility of creating men’s shapewear. Kardashian, always open to new possibilities, expressed interest in expanding her line of shapewear to cater to men.

The conversation took a humorous turn when Kimmel asked Kardashian about some interesting rumors that have circulated about her. From blowing dry her jewelry to sleeping with her eyes slightly open, Kardashian confirmed that these rumors are indeed true.

The interview concluded with Kardashian discussing her mixed relationship with Donald Trump and highlighting the positive work he did with prison reform. She also hinted about her dislike for the sound and touch of cardboard, even requesting someone to take the Starbucks sleeve off her coffee.

Overall, Kardashian’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live was entertaining and filled with intriguing insights into her life. Fans got to hear firsthand about her experiences with Madonna, her innovative bra invention, and the truth behind several rumors. As always, Kardashian proved herself to be a fascinating and influential figure in the entertainment industry.