On a recent episode of The Graham Norton Show, actor Matt Smith showed off his hidden talent during an interview segment. The talk show host mentioned that one of the guests on the show was a star from Game of Thrones, prompting Smith to joke about his lack of appearances on the popular series. Smith, known for his role in Doctor Who, admitted that he hadn’t seen much of the show and jokingly described himself as being “too young” to have joined the cast.

The conversation then turned to Smith’s time on Doctor Who, with Norton asking if he ever had people trying to talk to him about the science and logic of the show. Smith revealed that he often received questions from fans about the TARDIS and the logic of time travel. He also shared an amusing anecdote about being shouted at when he first took on the role, with fans warning him not to “break” Doctor Who.

Later, Norton welcomed actor Jason Momoa and actress Emilia Clarke, who reunited on the show. Momoa, known for his role as Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones, shared a humorous story about being stung by a wasp during a love scene on the show. Clarke, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen, also discussed a memorable encounter with nature during her time on the series.

The conversation then shifted towards the end of Game of Thrones, which drove fans crazy with its surprising and controversial finale. Momoa revealed that he was relieved to finally be able to discuss the show’s spoilers after keeping them a secret for so long. Clarke admitted that she had not watched the series and preferred to wait for it to end before binge-watching it.

As the interview continued, Clarke discussed her parents’ concerns about her character’s limited screen time in the early episodes of Game of Thrones. She jokingly mentioned watching an episode that featured a love scene with her parents, which made for an awkward viewing experience.

Towards the end of the episode, Norton engaged in some lighthearted banter with Smith, Momoa, and Clarke. The guests showcased their comedic sides and entertained the audience with their playful interactions.

The segment concluded with a football challenge, where Smith attempted to impress the audience with his skills. However, due to a back injury, his performance was slightly hindered. Despite this, the guests had a fun time engaging in the friendly competition.

Overall, the episode of The Graham Norton Show featuring Matt Smith, Jason Momoa, and Emilia Clarke was filled with lively conversations and amusing anecdotes. The talk show once again delivered an entertaining and delightful experience for viewers.

[Air date: Not provided]