On a recent episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, musician Questlove opened up about the stress he endured while putting together the 50th anniversary tribute to hip-hop at the Grammys. The transcript of the interview revealed the behind-the-scenes challenges and the toll it took on Questlove, including his tooth falling out due to stress.

During the interview, Questlove expressed his gratitude for being on the show and talked about his new book, “Hip Hop is History.” He described it as a deep dive into the evolution of hip-hop, offering personal stories and memories related to the genre. However, what caught the audience’s attention was his recounting of the Grammys tribute.

Questlove admitted that the preparations for the tribute were hectic. He was given only eight weeks to put together a performance that would showcase the history of hip-hop over 50 years. As he explained to Jimmy Fallon, he initially thought he would have around 20 minutes to tell the story but was informed that he had only eight.

The pressure of organizing such a monumental performance took a toll on Questlove. He received calls and messages from various rappers who were upset about not being included or not receiving enough time. On top of that, two artists dropped out at the last minute, causing chaos and requiring 47 minutes to resolve.

It was evident that Questlove was overwhelmed by the stress of managing the performance and dealing with unexpected challenges. He even hired a life coach for his band members to address tensions that arose among them. Despite all the difficulties, Questlove managed to pull off an incredible tribute that was well-received.

However, the stress had physical consequences for Questlove. He revealed that his tooth fell out right before he came on The Tonight Show. The incident served as a reminder of the toll stress can take on the body.

Despite the challenges, Questlove felt that the performance was worth it. He shared his passion for hip-hop and the honor he felt being a part of its history. Questlove emphasized the importance of recognizing the pioneers of the genre and the impact it had on him growing up.

In conclusion, Questlove‘s interview on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon provided a fascinating insight into the stress and challenges he faced while organizing the Grammy tribute to 50 years of hip-hop. It showcased his dedication to the genre and his ability to overcome obstacles to create a memorable performance.