On a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” renowned doctor and presidential medal of freedom winner, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made a powerful statement about the politicization of science. The episode began with thunderous applause as the audience welcomed Dr. Fauci to the show.

Colbert wasted no time in acknowledging Dr. Fauci’s remarkable energy and asked if he had ever considered running for president. With a smile, Dr. Fauci quickly dismissed the idea, stating that he had no interest whatsoever. This led to a deeper discussion about the dangerous phenomenon of politicizing science.

Dr. Fauci shared his observations, noting that although politics has always played a role in scientific discussions, there used to be a level of civility and respect among politicians. However, in recent times, there has been a shift towards pure hostility and vitriol. He expressed his concern about the profound divisiveness in the country, which he believes is destructive.

Colbert then posed an interesting question, asking Dr. Fauci to diagnose America as a patient. Dr. Fauci humorously replied that America might need a surgeon rather than an internist, implying that something drastic needs to change. He went on to describe the country’s state as displaying a degree of schizophrenia. Despite our similarities, people are acting as if they are fundamentally different. Additionally, conspiracy theories have taken center stage in public conversations, leading to the creation of unlikely connections and patterns.

The conversation quickly turned to the controversy surrounding the origins of the coronavirus. Dr. Fauci staunchly denied claims that he had any involvement in the creation of COVID-19 or any conspiracy to profit from vaccines. He explained that, due to the evolutionary distance between the studied viruses and SARS-CoV-2, it is highly improbable that the grant he approved led to the pandemic. While he acknowledged the possibility of a lab leak or a natural occurrence, he emphasized the need for prevention and better understanding of the animal-human interface to avoid future outbreaks.

As the interview came to a close, Dr. Fauci reiterated the importance of knowing the true origins of the virus to implement measures that would prevent similar events. However, he acknowledged the difficulties in obtaining this information due to the lack of cooperation between China and the United States.

Dr. Fauci’s appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” shed light on the politicization of science and the challenges faced by scientists in today’s divisive climate. Despite the attacks and hostility he has encountered, Dr. Fauci remains dedicated to his mission of public health and ensuring that the world is better equipped to handle future pandemics.

Tune in to “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” for thought-provoking conversations with influential figures like Dr. Anthony Fauci every week.