The conversation took a nostalgic turn as Alexander reminisced about his time on Seinfeld, revealing that his kids recently started watching the show and found it hilarious. He also shared some interesting insights into the fan dynamics of the show, with Jerry attracting the “hot girls,” Michael getting “lunatics,” and Julia being popular among convicts and ex-convicts.

When asked about his new show, Alexander admitted that he knows very little about sports despite playing a sports writer and personality. However, he praised his co-stars on the show, including Malcolm Jamal Warner, and emphasized that it’s more of a family-oriented series than a sports show.

To celebrate his 45th birthday, Alexander hosted a karaoke roller-skating party, which he showcased on the show. He demonstrated some fancy moves while roller-skating to fun music, impressing the audience with his skills.

The segment concluded with Alexander joking about making a phone call to get Hugh Laurie, who plays House on the hit medical drama, into a movie.

Catch Jason Alexander‘s interview and roller-skating performance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, which aired on [Air date]. Don’t miss his new show, [Show name], airing on CBS on Mondays at 8:30 PM.