On a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Congressman Jamaal Bowman made a passionate and powerful statement about the importance of diversity and embracing different cultures. The conversation also touched upon critical race theory and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

When asked about his vote regarding Juneteenth becoming a national holiday, Congressman Bowman expressed his humbling and exciting experience as a legislator. He mentioned the significance of the bill, which people have fought for decades, and how he was happy to be a part of making it happen.

But the conversation took a more intense turn when Stephen Colbert asked Congressman Bowman about the current culture fight surrounding the teaching of critical race theory. Bowman did not hold back and referred to Republicans as bullies who are trying to force a singular way of thinking on the entire country. He emphasized that the United States’ strength lies in its diversity and that learning more about each other is crucial in bringing the nation and its people together.

As a former school principal, Bowman spoke about the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion in schools, opposing the banning of books and the control over school districts. He strongly believes that the nation cannot reach its most aspirational self without embracing diversity.

The conversation then shifted towards an election-related topic, as Congressman Bowman’s primary was fast approaching. Addressing the rough polling numbers that showed him down by 17 points, Colbert asked about the criticism he faced for his stance on Israel’s military response to Hamas’s attacks. Bowman condemned the attacks as war crimes and acts of terrorism, but also called for a permanent ceasefire, emphasizing the importance of stopping the fighting and providing humanitarian aid.

Discussing the larger issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Congressman Bowman expressed his hope for peace and a two-state solution. He highlighted the ongoing cycle of war and conflict and the need to redirect resources towards providing food, clean water, and humanitarian assistance to children in need worldwide. Bowman emphasized the significance of diplomacy over a policy that primarily relies on military strength.

Stephen Colbert concluded the conversation by asking about the role of the United States in achieving peace and a two-state solution. Bowman expressed his wish for the United States to lead with diplomacy, using its wealth and resources to fight climate change, ensure access to clean water for every child, and actively support building a Palestinian state.

This conversation on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert showcased Congressman Jamaal Bowman‘s passionate commitment to diversity, equality, and peace. His viewpoints and strong opinions resonated with the audience, sparking important discussions about the value of embracing different cultures and finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts.