On a recent episode of The Graham Norton Show, actress Emma Stone opened up about some of her memorable moments, including her experience at the Oscars, her struggles with contact lenses, and her corset woes.

One of the most talked-about moments of the interview was when Stone discussed her experience at the Oscars. She revealed that her mother wasn’t at the ceremony but was watching it on TV. When the audience reacted, Stone’s mother thought something terrible had happened, causing her to panic. Stone felt terrible about scaring her mother and realized that the chaos of the Oscars can sometimes overshadow the excitement.

Stone also shared a funny mishap she had with her contact lenses during a performance. While singing “Maybe This Time,” she blinked and both of her lenses came out. Unable to see in the dark, her co-star had to guide her off the stage. Stone jokingly mentioned that her poor eyesight always seems to bring about humorous situations.

During the discussion of her role in the movie “The Favourite,” Stone discussed the challenges of wearing a corset. She talked about her difficulties breathing and how her organs shifted as a result. Despite the discomfort, Stone expressed empathy for women who wore corsets for extended periods in history.

In addition to her experiences, Stone mentioned her friendship with actress Olivia Colman and how she received tips on her British accent for the movie “The Favourite.” Stone also revealed that she has always been a fan of British culture and enjoys trying out a British accent whenever she can.

Towards the end of the interview, Stone had a hilarious conversation with Graham Norton regarding being “Rick Rolled” by Taylor Swift. Although Stone denied any involvement in Swift’s song, “Never Gonna Give You Up,” she had a good laugh about the internet hype surrounding the situation.

Lastly, Stone shared a heartwarming story of how she convinced her parents to let her move to Los Angeles when she was just 14 years old. She prepared a persuasive PowerPoint presentation that highlighted her dreams and aspirations in the entertainment industry. The presentation even included a picture of Stone holding an Oscar, which she mentioned as a humorous anecdote while reflecting on her past achievements.

Overall, Stone’s appearance on The Graham Norton Show was filled with entertaining stories and humorous anecdotes. From her Oscar experience to her mishaps with contact lenses and corsets, Stone’s lively personality shined through in her conversation with Norton. It was a delightful interview that showcased both her talent and her down-to-earth charm.