Meghan Trainor and Jimmy Fallon teamed up for an electrifying bonus round of the popular game, Password, on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The audience couldn’t contain their excitement as Felicia, the lucky contestant, had the chance to win a whopping $25,000 by playing alongside both Meghan and Jimmy.

Felicia hilariously expressed her anticipation, imagining the incredible tropical vacation she would take with her family if she won the grand prize – a luxurious trip to Hawaii. The crowd erupted in cheers, sharing in her dream vacation plans.

The bonus round commenced with Felicia as the clue giver, and she chose Meghan as the guesser. The rules were simple: they had 30 seconds to guess as many passwords as possible, starting from the letter D through M. The stakes were high; for each correct answer, Felicia would win $1,000. However, if they managed to sweep the board and guess all ten passwords correctly, Felicia would leave with $25,000 – a life-changing amount.

As the game began, Meghan and Felicia shared some banter, with Meghan joking that she hated this nerve-wracking part. The countdown started, and Felicia’s initial clues were met with success as Meghan swiftly guessed words like “denim” and “England.” They were off to a promising start, collecting money for each correct answer.

After the first round, Felicia and Meghan had amassed a cool $4,000, but the ultimate prize of $25,000 still beckoned. It was Jimmy’s turn to step up to the plate. With six passwords remaining, he had the opportunity to secure the win.

The clock started, and Jimmy confidently guessed words like “iguanas” and “janitor.” The tension in the air was palpable as they inched closer to the magical number of ten correct answers. The crowd rallied behind them, fueling their enthusiasm.

As the time ticked away, Jimmy and Felicia’s chemistry paid off, and they successfully guessed the remaining passwords, sealing their victory. The energy in the room exploded as the audience erupted in cheers and applause. The duo had won the grand prize of $25,000, a feat deserving of celebration.

The exhilarating game of Password on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon showcased Meghan Trainor and Jimmy Fallon‘s undeniable wit and charisma. Their ability to work together under pressure and make guesses with ease captivated the audience. It served as a reminder of the thrilling and unpredictable nature of live television entertainment.