In a recent appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show, Lupita Nyong’o opens up about her unique name, her upbringing, and her journey to becoming an Academy Award-nominated actress.

During the interview, Lupita explains that her name, Lupita, is the diminutive of the name Guadalupe, chosen by her parents because she was born in Mexico. Her last name, Nyong’o, is of Kenyan origin. Lupita’s fascinating childhood involved living in Mexico, then returning to Kenya before stopping in New York.

Letterman commends Lupita on her courage and recalls her father being in political exile. Lupita reveals that her father taught political science in Mexico and later worked for the UN. She shares that her family didn’t have any connections in Mexico, so when she and her older sister went there at the age of 16, they were essentially on their own.

Lupita’s passion for acting emerged from her wild imagination. As a child, she would daydream and create imaginary scenarios, even weaving elaborate tales for her mother’s friends. She recalls being called a space cadet and living in a different reality. This early affinity for storytelling paved the way for her future acting career.

The interview also touches on Lupita’s Academy Award nomination and her experience meeting fellow actresses at industry events. She mentions attending the British Academy film awards and meeting big names like Kate Blanchett, Emma Thompson, and Angelina Jolie. She proudly introduces her mother, who attended the awards ceremony and was especially star-struck by meeting Oprah Winfrey.

Growing up in Kenya, Lupita was aware of Oprah’s influence. She shares that her mother only allowed them to watch a limited amount of TV during the school week, and Oprah’s show was one they could watch. Lupita credits the media mogul for teaching her many valuable lessons.

Letterman also asks Lupita about her encounter with Jennifer Lawrence, a nominee in the same category as her. Lupita reminisces their meeting at the Screen Actors Guild awards and recounts their comical expression of shock upon seeing each other.

The interview concludes with a discussion about Lupita’s critically acclaimed film, “12 Years a Slave.” Despite the emotional weight of the movie’s subject matter, Lupita emphasizes the importance of portraying historical events and raising awareness about the experiences of those who lived through them.

In the end, with the Academy Awards approaching, Lupita expresses her excitement and encourages Letterman to attend. They wrap up the interview with warm wishes and compliments before moving on to the next guest.

Lupita Nyong’o‘s appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show showcased her captivating presence, fascinating life story, and rising career in Hollywood. As she continues to make waves in the industry, audiences can’t help but be drawn to her talent, charisma, and undeniable impact.