In a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, Seth Rogen and Kathryn Hahn brought their charm and wit to the talk show, discussing their new series “Sausage Party: Foodtopia.” The animated show, set to premiere on Prime video, features Rogen voicing the hilariously horny hot dog character.
As the conversation flowed, Rogen and Hahn shared amusing anecdotes about their time filming together. They reminisced about the last time they saw each other, which happened to be at the Venetian in Las Vegas. They revealed that they spent two weeks living in the hotel, enduring the scorching Las Vegas heat and enjoying the casino amenities. Rogen joked about eating at the Grand Lux Cafe 400,000 times during their stay, indulging in the vast menu of 200 items.
The duo also shared their experience at The Grateful Dead show, which conveniently took place during their stay in Vegas. Rogen playfully mentioned how he did a ton of acid before attending the concert, making it an unforgettable experience.
Switching gears, Kimmel delved into Rogen’s impressive career and his current projects. They discussed Rogen’s work on the popular animated series “Invincible” and “The Boys,” both of which have earned high praise. They also touched on Rogen’s involvement in the critically acclaimed film “Sausage Party,” which explores the lives of various food items and their realization of their ultimate fate.
Rogen and Kimmel joked about the outrageous scenes and situations they envisioned for the food characters in “Sausage Party: Foodtopia.” They even displayed various food items on the show, playfully showcasing how different foods would potentially engage in intimate moments. From oranges with prolapsed buttholes to a canoli and a bagel crossing cultural boundaries, the conversation took a humorous turn.
The interview concluded with Rogen and Hahn expressing their excitement for the premiere of “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” on Prime video. Audiences can look forward to a mix of animated hilarity and the unique perspective Rogen brings to the project.
With their infectious personalities and entertaining banter, Seth Rogen and Kathryn Hahn left audiences eagerly anticipating their new animated series. “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” is set to take viewers on a wild and hilarious ride, proving once again that Rogen’s talent knows no bounds. The show promises to be a must-watch for fans of Rogen, Hahn, and anyone looking for a good laugh.
Don’t miss out on the premiere of “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” on Prime video. Get ready for an uproarious adventure with Seth Rogen and a cast of animated food characters like you’ve never seen before.