In a recent episode of the renowned talk show, “Letterman,” the audience was in for a treat with the appearance of the one and only Dr. Ruth Westheimer. Known for her candid and humorous approach to discussing sex and relationships, Dr. Ruth did not disappoint in this lively interview.

During the show, David Letterman wasted no time in introducing his first guest, Dr. Ruth, and expressed how there is never a dull moment when she is around. Dr. Ruth, the star of “WNY Radio’s Sexually Speaking,” captivated the audience from the get-go.

David asked Dr. Ruth about her radio show, which has been live since September. To his surprise, the show has only been growing in popularity. Dr. Ruth mentioned that she used to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of phone calls coming in each week – between 250 and 350. However, she has since learned to take more time to answer questions, resulting in a more rewarding experience for both herself and her listeners.

The success of her show extends beyond the number of callers. Dr. Ruth revealed that she receives around 150 letters a week, demonstrating the impact she has on her audience. Listeners can truly relate to the people she talks to on her show, and the personal touch allows for a more intimate connection.

David joked that the callers do not necessarily make up the entire audience, as the show has a vast following. While the exact ratings were not disclosed, the show constantly sees an increase in popularity. Dr. Ruth kept the specific numbers close to her chest, teasing David that she would reveal them next time they meet.

Moving on to the content of her show, Dr. Ruth mentioned that she has noticed a shift in the variety of questions she receives. She is pleased that her audience is not solely focused on genitalia and orgasms. Rather, she enjoys addressing topics related to sexual functioning, relationships, love, and life in general. This broader range of questions allows for more engaging and informative discussions on her show.

When the conversation turned to the topic of sexual satisfaction, Dr. Ruth offered some valuable advice. She acknowledged that couples can sometimes fall into a rut and suggested trying different positions and focusing on pleasure without the pressure of achieving orgasm. This opens up new possibilities and encourages couples to explore their sexual experiences more freely.

One of the studio audience members asked if it is common to think of sexually provoking things to help achieve climax when making love to someone they deeply cared about. Dr. Ruth answered affirmatively, stating that it is perfectly normal to have thoughts that arouse sexual desire. However, she added that it is essential not to hurt your partner by sharing these thoughts, as it may lead to feelings of unfaithfulness.

Another audience member sought Dr. Ruth’s advice on a rather unusual problem. She explained that a particular gentleman she had been seeing continually slobbers all over her face when they kiss. Dr. Ruth humorously suggested using a squeegee or a shammy to solve the issue. She further recommended addressing the problem outside of the heat of the moment, in a tactful and kind way.

Towards the end of the show, David expressed his gratitude to Dr. Ruth for her appearance and gave her a chance to promote her upcoming book, “Dr. Ruth’s Guide to Good Sex.” The audience eagerly awaits the release of this highly anticipated book, set to come out in the spring.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer‘s appearance on “Letterman” was nothing short of entertaining, informative, and enlightening. Her frank and approachable demeanor keeps audiences engaged while providing valuable insights into the world of sex and relationships. With her successful radio show and upcoming book, Dr. Ruth continues to make waves in the world of sexual education and entertainment.