In a recent episode of the iconic talk show, David Letterman delighted viewers with his usual wit and charm. The segment, known as the CBS Mailbag, featured Letterman responding to actual letters from fans, providing a unique opportunity for interaction between host and audience.

One viewer, Chris from Santa Cruz, California, posed a question about the backstage area of the Ed Sullivan Theater. Letterman explained that while the front of the theater exudes magic and excitement, the backstage is where the real action happens. With a touch of humor, he described the backstage as a labyrinth of ropes, pulleys, and electrical cables. To better illustrate the scene, Letterman called up his trusted stage manager, Biff Henderson, who confirmed his description.

The banter continued as viewers got a glimpse of the backstage area. Biff explained that it mostly consists of hardware and equipment, and even demonstrated a mysterious lever, the purpose of which he was unsure. Letterman jokingly suggested he give it a try, leading to a comical moment when something unexpected happened. The laughter-filled exchange between Letterman and Biff brought a light-hearted and entertaining element to the show.

The CBS Mailbag also provided an opportunity for Letterman’s own band leader, Paul Shaffer, to share a personal story. In response to a viewer asking about Shaffer’s baldness, the musician humorously revealed an origin story involving none other than David Letterman himself. Shaffer narrated a tale of an accident involving a chemistry set and noxious gases, jokingly vowing revenge on Letterman for his role in the hair loss. At the end of his story, Shaffer even performed a song, adding yet another level of entertainment to the show.

The episode didn’t stop there. Pat Farmer, a member of the show’s crew, joined the conversation, revealing that he had found old footage of Letterman doing the weather. The audience eagerly watched as the footage was played, with Letterman denying it was him, claiming it was Al Roker instead. The hilarious exchange between the host and his crew member once again created a lively and amusing atmosphere.

The talk show segment continued with more humorous interactions and anecdotes, showcasing Letterman’s improvisational skills and knack for entertaining his audience. From discussing advice for aspiring weather forecasters to demonstrating the importance of sunscreen, every moment was filled with laughter and amusement.

David Letterman‘s ability to engage with his viewers and create an enjoyable atmosphere on his talk show is what sets him apart. The CBS Mailbag segment is just one example of his entertaining and charismatic hosting style, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to interact with the legendary host.