In a recent episode of the talk show, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, the host took an unexpected break to write out some thank-you notes. Usually, this is a task that Fallon does before the show, but this time, he decided to do it live on air.

With the audience’s permission, Fallon began writing out his thank-you notes, apologizing for the interruption during the show. The host seemed to be in a playful mood, joking with his band leader about playing some piano background music.

As Fallon read out his thank-you notes, the laughter and applause from the audience grew. The first note was directed towards J.D. Vance, with Fallon thanking him for showing what it would look like if Eric ate Don Jr. This humorous note was intended to bring a smile to Vance’s face.

The gratitude continued with a note for flip-flops, hilariously thanking them for making it sound like Fallon’s feet were applauding sarcastically. Fallon then extended his appreciation to Glen Powell and his adorable dog, Brisket, calling them the perfect Tinder picture. The next note mentioned Jim Justice and his dog, Babydog, thanking them for being the ones who actually show up for the date.

Fallon’s creativity did not stop there. He thanked arugula, the vegetable that sounds like a car horn from the 1930s, and humorously pondered which supermarket’s produce section to send this note to. With the audience’s involvement, they listed various supermarkets, including Safeway, A&P, and Piggly Wiggly.

The entertaining segment continued with Fallon showing his wit while joking about a bulk-cereal aisle, referring to it as “human bird feeders.” He also cracked a joke about “Twisters,” the disastrous movie, being the worst thing that can happen to both a small town and a nerd’s nipples, eliciting laughter from the crowd.

To conclude the thank-you notes, Fallon expressed his gratitude to Ruffles potato chips, playfully calling them “Corduroy Pringles.”

Before the break, Fallon took a moment to pay tribute to the late Bob Newhart, who had recently passed away. Fallon shared a heartfelt memory of having dinner with Newhart, describing him as one of the funniest people he had ever met. The host expressed his love and admiration for Newhart and acknowledged him as one of the best in the industry.

As the episode came to an end, Fallon assured the audience that there was more entertainment to come on The Tonight Show.