On a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Senator Bernie Sanders made a powerful statement about the upcoming presidential election. In a conversation with Colbert, Senator Sanders expressed his concerns about the current state of the country and why he believes nobody in America should be voting for Donald Trump.

During the interview, Colbert mentioned Trump’s lengthy acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention and asked Senator Sanders for his thoughts on it. Sanders criticized the lack of focus on real problems and viable solutions for the country. He argued that Trump’s speech was centered around portraying the country as in terrible shape and promising to bring about positive changes without providing any specific plans.

One particular issue that Sanders highlighted was climate change. He stressed that it is an existential threat to the planet and that every scientist studying the issue agrees on its severity. Sanders criticized Trump’s stance on climate change, pointing out that he has received significant financial support from the oil and fossil fuel industry. Trump’s dismissal of climate change as a hoax created in China is, according to Sanders, both alarming and frightening.

Sanders urged Americans to consider the future of the planet when making their voting decisions. With the catastrophic consequences of climate change looming, he argued that having a president who supports the increase of carbon emissions would be incredibly detrimental. Sanders firmly stated that on this basis alone, nobody in America should be voting for Trump.

Switching gears, Colbert then brought up the surprising appearance of Teamster President Sean O’Brien at the Republican National Convention. Sanders acknowledged that O’Brien’s speech had some valid points, but he emphasized that the Republican Party’s track record on supporting the working class is dismal. He highlighted the lack of support from Republicans for raising the minimum wage, making it easier for workers to join unions, and protecting social security.

The conversation took an interesting turn when Colbert mentioned Elon Musk‘s recent decision to donate large sums of money to a Trump super PAC. Sanders reacted with surprise and humor, joking that he hadn’t considered accepting billionaire funds for his campaign. However, he used this as an opportunity to address the bigger issue at hand – the corrupt political system in America. Sanders argued that billionaires’ ability to contribute massive amounts of money to influence political outcomes undermines the true nature of democracy. He criticized the influence of money in politics and the unequal power it grants to billionaires.

In closing, Senator Bernie Sanders emphasized the importance of recognizing the flaws in the current political system and the need for substantial change. He urged viewers to consider the future of the planet, the working class, and the true principles of democracy when casting their votes in the upcoming election. As we navigate these challenging times, Sanders’s message serves as a reminder to be vigilant and engaged citizens, actively shaping the future of our country.