Melinda French Gates, philanthropist and wife of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, recently made an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Celebrating her recent 60th birthday, French Gates discussed her new YouTube series, “Moments That Make Us,” which explores the topic of transitions in life. The series features interviews with influential women leaders who share their thoughts on these pivotal moments.

One of the women leaders highlighted in the series is Kamala Harris, who will be turning 60 on October 20th. French Gates discussed her recent endorsement of Harris, explaining that despite previously being an independent voter, she felt compelled to support Harris in this election due to the importance of women’s rights and reproductive rights. French Gates commended Harris for her commitment to issues like paid family medical leave and caregiving, believing that Harris understands the needs of society and is using her voice to advocate for these issues on the campaign trail.

During the interview, French Gates also discussed her own experience conducting the interviews for “Moments That Make Us.” As someone who is more accustomed to being interviewed, French Gates admitted that she unexpectedly enjoyed asking the questions and learned a great deal from the conversations. She discovered unexpected insights and connections with the women she interviewed, which enhanced her understanding of their experiences.

Reflecting on her own seminal moments, French Gates pointed to her high school years as a formative period. She credited her mother for instilling in her the importance of setting her own agenda rather than allowing others to dictate it. This advice has stayed with French Gates throughout her life, and at 60 years old, she continues to prioritize setting her own path.

French Gates’ appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert served as an opportunity to promote her new YouTube series, “Moments That Make Us,” and to discuss her endorsement of Kamala Harris for the presidency. With her years of experience and dedication to empowering women, French Gates brings valuable insights to the table, making her interviews both engaging and enlightening.

Stay tuned for more captivating conversations and powerful moments on “Moments That Make Us,” as Melinda French Gates continues to highlight the experiences and perspectives of influential women leaders.