Julia Louis-Dreyfus graced the stage of David Letterman‘s talk show, and things got interesting right from the start. With a record-breaking 15 Emmy Award nominations for her roles in both lead and supporting comedy actress categories, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an undeniable force in television. Not to mention, she stars in the hilarious show “Veep” on HBO.

As she entered the stage, David Letterman couldn’t help but comment on how wonderful she looked. The conversation quickly turned to discuss “Veep” and Julia’s character’s journey in the show. Julia, who watches the show on her iPad, needed David’s help to figure out where she was in the series. She had just watched the season finale of Season 3 and was eagerly awaiting Season 4, which was set to begin shooting in September.

Without giving away any spoilers, Julia hinted that something big happened in the season finale and left viewers wondering about the fate of her character. The talk show host, being a big fan of “Veep,” was curious if her character was still the Vice President, and Julia urged those who haven’t seen the entire show to turn down their televisions.

Amidst discussing the ups and downs of her character’s political journey, Julia and David exchanged compliments about the show, its cast, and the exceptional writing. They both agreed that “Veep” is one of those rare shows that genuinely makes you laugh, a quality not always found in television today.

The topic then shifted to Julia’s iconic haircut on the show. She explained that the idea behind the haircut stemmed from the notion that female politicians often face criticism and scrutiny for any changes they make to their appearances. Julia embraced the challenge and admitted that the haircut turned out to be horrendous, achieved using an actual wig.

But the real highlight of the conversation came when Julia shared an awkward and unfortunate encounter she had in the restroom while wearing her character’s unflattering attire. In an isolated restroom in a deserted mall, she hastily entered a stall next to someone else, only to realize it was a man. The mix-up created quite a commotion and left Julia feeling humiliated.

Moving on from “Veep,” the conversation briefly touched upon the 25th anniversary of the iconic show “Seinfeld.” Julia expressed her disbelief that it had been 25 years since the show started, jokingly remarking that in ten minutes, they would all be dead. David inquired about Julia’s children, and she revealed that her son was now 10 years old and her other two were 17 and 22. Julia shared that her kids were wonderful and had yet to go through an angry teen phase.

The interview also touched upon Julia’s remarkable career, including her impressive Emmy Award wins. Having been nominated 15 times, she acknowledged that even Lucille Ball had been nominated only 13 times. Julia’s talent and success speak for themselves.

Before wrapping up the interview, David addressed the controversy surrounding the Rolling Stone cover featuring Julia with the Preamble of the Constitution tattooed on her back. Julia revealed that the tattoo was real, not photoshopped, and the mistake regarding John Hancock’s signature added to the Internet sensation it became. She even shared a baby picture of herself, pretending to have always had the Constitution tattoo. However, her innocent intentions led to her Facebook account being flagged for sharing inappropriate material.

The interview concluded with David expressing his admiration for Julia’s talent and thanking her for gracing his show. Julia Louis-Dreyfus proved once again why she is not only a remarkable actress but also a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. “Veep” fans eagerly await the upcoming season, and Julia’s presence on “Letterman” only added to the excitement surrounding the show.

Source: Transcription from David Letterman‘s talk show interview with Julia Louis-Dreyfus.