In a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, a hilarious and slightly messy game of “Chubby Bunny” took place, leaving the audience in stitches. The segment featured Conan and his sidekick, Sona, along with guest Matt Gorley, mixing up some delicious summer drinks.

The fun began with the introduction of a chocolate old-fashioned made with Whistle Pig whiskey. Sona, who is not a fan of s’mores, was intrigued by the miniature size of the treat. The hosts discussed the process of drilling the golden grams, which were used as a toast for the marshmallow garnish, and Conan even attempted to set his on fire.

As they sipped their drinks, Matt explained the ingredients that went into the concoction, including Whistle Pig wheat whiskey, Aztec chocolate bitters, Trader Vic’s chocolate liquor, Angostura bitters, simple syrup, and a luxurious Luxardo cherry. Conan jokingly questioned Matt’s extensive knowledge of cocktail ingredients, and Matt admitted that he enjoys experimenting with drinks as a hobby.

The conversation took a comedic turn when Conan mentioned hosting an intervention in the future, which prompted laughter from the audience. Sona playfully teased Conan about his stumbling over his words without even having a sip of the drink yet. Conan assured her that he was just holding it and hadn’t taken a sip, but it was clear that the anticipation was getting to him.

In the midst of the banter, Conan introduced the idea of playing a game called “Chubby Bunny.” The rules? Each participant had to stick a marshmallow in their mouth and say “Chubby Bunny.” Then, they would take turns adding more marshmallows until someone couldn’t say the phrase anymore. Sona immediately declined, claiming she didn’t know what the game was. This led to a hilarious exchange between Conan and Sona, with Conan expressing his shock at her sheltered childhood.

Despite Sona’s lack of enthusiasm, the game proceeded with Matt and Conan taking turns adding marshmallows to their mouths and attempting to say “Chubby Bunny.” The marshmallows quickly accumulated, and the contestants struggled to articulate the words clearly. Laughter filled the studio as they valiantly tried to keep the marshmallows in their mouths.

As the game progressed, the inevitable happened. Sona reached her limit and hilariously spit out her marshmallows, declaring herself out. The game continued, with Conan succumbing next, leaving Matt as the winner of this bizarre challenge.

The “Chubby Bunny” game may have been messy and slightly ridiculous, but it provided plenty of laughs and entertainment for both the hosts and the viewers. Throughout the segment, Conan and his guests showcased their playful personalities and ability to engage in light-hearted banter.

This episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show served as a reminder of why the show remains popular among audiences. Conan’s wit, Sona’s sassy remarks, and the unexpected twists and turns create an enjoyable and comedic experience for all. So, if you’re looking for a good laugh, be sure to check out Conan O’Brien‘s talk show and the hilarious antics that ensue.