In a recent episode of Alan Carr: Chatty Man, Kelly Osbourne made a lively appearance and had everyone laughing with her candid and sometimes controversial remarks. The talk show host, Alan Carr, welcomed Kelly and the audience erupted in applause.

Right off the bat, Alan asked Kelly about her brother Jack’s battle with multiple sclerosis (MS). Kelly expressed her pride and admiration for Jack’s bravery in raising awareness and dispelling misconceptions about the disease. She emphasized that MS is not a life or death sentence and that with proper self-care, individuals with MS can live just as long as anyone else.

Moving on from the serious topic, they discussed Kelly’s father, Ozzy Osbourne, and his involvement in a new album with Black Sabbath. Kelly shared how strange it was to see her father and the rest of the band acting like schoolboys again. She also joked about how much she takes after her father and how he once asked her if she talks like that normally. Kelly recounted a funny incident when she visited Ozzy’s house and greeted him in a polite manner, only to be met with laughter and a reminder to “chill out.”

Alan then steered the conversation towards a lighter topic – picking up dog poop. He joked about how some people in his apartment building neglect to dispose of their dog’s waste properly. Kelly expressed her disgust for the behavior and even compared it to her popular show, “Fashion Police,” saying she might start a new series called “Dog Poop Patrol.”

The conversation shifted back to “Fashion Police,” and Kelly’s love for the show was evident. She expressed her gratitude for having a job she truly enjoys and the opportunity to work with Joan Rivers, whom she considers a comedic genius. They shared a hilarious clip from the show where Joan made some of her trademark controversial comments.

Of course, no interview with Kelly Osbourne would be complete without discussing Lady Gaga. Kelly shared her theory that Lady Gaga might be pregnant based on recent changes in her appearance and fashion choices. She even jokingly suggested that Mothercare should be her next stop for shopping.

Towards the end of the interview, Alan asked Kelly about the return of “Fashion Police” and when viewers can expect the new series. Kelly enthusiastically encouraged everyone to tune in on Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. on E! for a laughter-filled viewing experience.

The interview concluded with Alan offering Kelly a drink, and they continued the lively conversation while enjoying some rum and Bombay mix.

As the article comes to an end, it’s clear that Kelly Osbourne‘s appearance on Alan Carr: Chatty Man was filled with laughter, candid moments, and some unforgettable remarks. From discussing MS awareness to joking about dog poop, Kelly’s energy and humor made for an entertaining interview that left viewers eagerly awaiting the next episode of “Fashion Police.”