In a recent episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” comedian Martin Mull delivered a heartfelt and hilarious farewell poem to the iconic host. The talk show, known for its entertaining and lively atmosphere, provided the perfect setting for Mull to bid adieu to Johnny Carson.

Mull, a multi-talented artist known for his wit, acting, music, and comedy, took the opportunity to express his admiration for both Carson and the show. As the audience applauded, Mull thanked Carson for having him on the show and praised his skills as a host.

Addressing the possibility that this might be his last appearance on “The Tonight Show,” Mull delivered a poem that encapsulated his feelings about his time on the show and his appreciation for Carson. The poem, filled with clever wordplay and heartfelt sentiment, showcased Mull’s unique comedic style.

As Mull recited his poem, it became clear that his words resonated with the audience. The sincere and humorous tribute highlighted Carson’s contributions to the world of late-night talk shows. Mull recognized Carson’s talent, the joy his presence brought to the show, and the sadness of his departure. However, he also acknowledged the new host who would be stepping into Carson’s shoes, signaling the end of an era.

The performance was met with enthusiastic applause and laughter from the audience, a testament to Mull’s ability to captivate and entertain. Carson himself expressed his appreciation for the clever and different approach Mull brought to the show. The two engaged in a lighthearted conversation, discussing Mull’s current projects and experiences on other shows.

Mull also spoke about his role on the popular sitcom “Roseanne,” where he played Roseanne’s gay boss, Leon Karp. He mentioned the positive feedback he received from the gay community for his portrayal of the character and the show’s efforts to treat the subject with respect and realism.

In addition to his television appearances, Mull revealed that he had a Showtime special called “Talent Takes a Holiday” coming up. The title itself hinted at the unconventional nature of the special, featuring performances by Penn and Teller and Little Jimmy Scott.

As the interview came to a close, Mull expressed his gratitude to Carson and the show, remarking on the incredible longevity of “The Tonight Show” under Carson’s tenure. The episode concluded with Mull’s heartfelt poem still resonating in the minds of viewers, a testament to the impact of his words and the enduring legacy of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.”

Overall, Martin Mull‘s farewell poem on “The Tonight Show” provided a memorable and entertaining moment in the world of late-night talk shows. With its unique blend of humor, admiration, and sincere sentiment, it was a fitting tribute to Johnny Carson and the iconic show he hosted for so many years. As fans eagerly await the next chapter in late-night television, Mull’s appearance serves as a reminder of the laughter and joy that shows like “The Tonight Show” bring to our screens.