On a recent episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show, actress Aisha Tyler made an appearance alongside host Ellen Degeneres. Tyler, who is currently starring in two hit dramas, 24 and CSI, spoke about how she manages to juggle both shows.

When asked about how she landed roles on two popular shows, Tyler revealed that she auditioned for both at the same time and surprisingly got offers for both at the same time. She expressed her gratitude towards the production teams for working out a schedule that allows her to be a part of both shows.

With such a demanding schedule, one might wonder how Tyler finds time for anything else. Ellen jokingly asked if Tyler works every day, to which Tyler replied that she has a “robot army” helping her out. She explained that she splits her time between the two shows, doing a few days on one and then moving on to the other. She also mentioned that she occasionally breaks down at the end of the week but then gets back up and starts over again.

Ellen then asked if Tyler ever gets confused about which character she’s playing or where she’s supposed to be. Tyler admitted that occasionally she does get mixed up and joked about accidentally putting on gloves from one show while filming the other. But overall, she finds the shows to be very different, making it easier to switch between characters.

Tyler’s journey into the world of acting began with standup comedy, and Ellen asked her about any rough experiences she had during that time. Tyler shared that like many other comedians, she had her fair share of bad shows in the beginning. However, she vividly recalled one particular night that stands out in her memory.

Her worst fear while performing was having her fly open on stage, and unfortunately, that nightmare became a reality. Tyler recalled feeling on top of the world as she received an overwhelming response from the audience. But after about nine minutes on stage, she realized her fly had been down the entire time. Despite the embarrassment, she laughed it off and continued with her set, acknowledging the mishap to the audience.

Ellen and Tyler bonded over the fear of wardrobe malfunctions and the common nightmares performers have of being unprepared or undressed on stage. Tyler even shared a funny incident where she once received a call while sitting on the toilet, adding to the list of unexpected situations performers find themselves in.

Towards the end of the show, Ellen and Tyler briefly discussed their New Year’s resolutions. Tyler revealed that she takes resolutions seriously as a way of reminding herself of things she wants to improve upon. This year, she vowed to cut out junk food, although she hilariously admitted to breaking her resolution already due to the temptation of the fantastic snacks available backstage at Ellen’s show.

In conclusion, Aisha Tyler‘s appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show was entertaining and insightful. She shared her experiences managing her roles on two hit dramas and reminisced about her early days in standup comedy. The conversation between Ellen and Tyler was filled with laughter, making for an enjoyable segment on the talk show.

Originally aired on February 2, 2005