In a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, Matt Gourley scripted a podcast segment using AI. Conan’s wife had been experimenting with chatbot AI and sparked the idea for a scripted segment featuring banter between Conan, Sonam Messian (Conan’s assistant), and Matt Gorley. The trio decided to read the scripted segment as themselves, eager to see what AI thought of their dynamic.

As they began reading, it became apparent that the AI’s interpretation was both humorous and alarming. Despite its oddities, the segment captured their dynamic perfectly. Conan embraced his role as the egotistical host, while Sonam and Matt provided the quizzical and comedic counterbalance. The banter covered a range of subjects, from Conan complaining about being insulted to Matt’s hypothetical lawnmower repair business.

As the segment progressed, Conan took a moment to express his genuine appreciation for Sonam and Matt. He praised Sonam for her wit, timing, and ability to keep him in check. He acknowledged Matt’s creativity and humor, recognizing how he elevates every conversation. It was a refreshing change for the usually roasting host, and both Sonam and Matt were pleasantly surprised. However, they couldn’t help but remain suspicious, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In a final tweak to the script, Conan took the opportunity to share his love for James Bond and Star Wars. The trio indulged in geeking out over these iconic franchises, discussing the thrill of Bond’s high-stakes missions and the fascinating world of Star Wars. They even imagined a crossover where Bond teams up with Han Solo, merging spy gadgets with epic space adventures.

While the AI’s interpretation went on much longer, it showcased the trio’s camaraderie and genuine love for the subjects at hand. Conan was joyful in his appreciation for his co-hosts, but the AI’s rendition eventually went off track. The unpredictable AI algorithm provided comedic relief and unintentional amusement for the trio.

As they reflected on the experience, they couldn’t help but wonder about the future of AI and its ability to simulate their voices. But for now, this scripted AI segment served as a reminder of the changing landscape of entertainment and the fascinating possibilities that lie ahead.

Overall, this episode of Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend showcased the host’s willingness to experiment and embrace new technologies. It provided an entertaining and light-hearted glimpse into the potential of AI scripting in the entertainment industry. Fans of Conan O’Brien, chat shows, and talk shows were in for an interesting and lively episode filled with humor and geeky banter.