During a recent episode of “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” the talk show host shared an intriguing story about a sketch that was vetoed on “The Jon Stewart Show.” O’Brien reflected on his early years in the talk show industry, admitting to constantly worrying and fretting. However, he also expressed contentment and a newfound inner peace in the present.

As O’Brien reminisced on the past, he commended Stewart and his team for their comedic brilliance. He recalled watching the show and being impressed by their absurd comedy and the innovative sketches, such as the infamous “masturbating bear.” O’Brien admitted to being in awe of their ability to create such captivating content.

He also shared a personal anecdote about his experience with a talk show on MTV. O’Brien explained that after the show moved to Paramount, there were concerns about its future. The executives were skeptical about the unconventional humor and unconventional guests. One particular incident involved a sketch idea that involved someone dressing up as Hitler. Although O’Brien found it hilarious, the audience reacted negatively, resulting in the sketch being cancelled.

The cancellation of the sketch led O’Brien to question his place in the industry and his own self-worth. However, this experience eventually became a turning point for him. He realized that he shouldn’t let external factors define his happiness and enjoyment of his work. O’Brien learned to embrace the moment and find joy in the process of creating and performing.

Throughout his career, O’Brien credits his mentor and producer, Lorne Michaels, for guiding him and recognizing his unique qualities. Michaels saw potential in O’Brien’s likability and vulnerability, which helped him stand out in the talk show landscape. Despite having a quirky comedy style, Michaels believed in O’Brien’s polite demeanor and innate goodness, which became defining characteristics of his brand.

The episode of “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” was a candid and insightful look into O’Brien’s journey in the talk show industry. It highlighted the ups and downs he faced, the pressures of ratings, and the importance of finding joy in the creative process. O’Brien’s story serves as a reminder that success in entertainment shouldn’t be solely determined by external validation, but rather by the love and passion for the craft.