In a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Vice President Kamala Harris joined the host for a lively chat about her plans for change if elected as the President of the United States. The talk show, known for its engaging conversations with prominent guests, provided a platform for Harris to discuss her vision for the country and how it differs from the current administration.

Colbert began the conversation by acknowledging that many independent voters are looking for a change in this election. He asked Harris about the major changes she would bring about if elected. Harris, with her characteristic charm, replied, “I’m obviously not Joe Biden, and that would be one change. But more significantly, I am not Donald Trump.”

Harris went on to emphasize her love for the American people and her belief in the country’s potential. She expressed her belief in the ambitious nature of the American people and their ability to create a stronger, more prosperous nation. She outlined her economic policies, which she referred to as an “opportunity economy.” These policies include investing in small businesses, extending tax deductions for start-ups, and working towards affordable housing to help young families achieve the American dream.

The vice president also touched upon her experience as a small business owner and how it shaped her perspective on the importance of supporting local businesses. She spoke passionately about her plan to collaborate with builders and developers to build three million more homes by the end of her first term and provide first-time homebuyers with a $25,000 down payment assistance. These initiatives aim to empower the middle class and strengthen the overall economy.

Colbert then raised the question of Harris’ role as vice president and highlighted a comment made by her opponent’s running mate during the recent debate. Harris deftly responded, emphasizing that being vice president involves taking on significant responsibilities but ultimately acknowledging that it is not the same as being the president.

The conversation took a lighthearted turn when Colbert mentioned a young boy in the audience who gave a passionate explanation of the vice president’s role during the debate. Harris encouraged viewers to watch the clip on YouTube, highlighting the importance of understanding the responsibilities of the vice presidency.

When asked about her decision to choose Tim Walls as her running mate, Harris shared that it was a gut decision based on her belief that he embodies the values and qualities she looks for in a leader. She highlighted his upbringing in a rural area and his hardworking, plain-talking nature, expressing confidence in his ability to serve as an exceptional vice president.

Throughout the interview, Harris showcased her charisma and passion for leading the country towards positive change. The conversation on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert served as a platform for Harris to articulate her plans and connect with the audience on a personal level. As the election approaches, it is evident that Harris is determined to champion the interests of the American people and build a stronger, more inclusive nation.