Mike O’Malley, the actor known for his role in the hit TV show “Yes, Dear,” recently appeared on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” and shared an amusing story that left both the audience and Ellen in stitches. During the interview, Mike recounted an encounter with his idol, the late playwright Arthur Miller, which didn’t exactly go as he had hoped.
It all started when Mike and his wife traveled to New York for a book signing event featuring Arthur Miller and several other authors. Excited for the opportunity to meet his idol, Mike approached the 88-year-old playwright with his cherished first edition of Miller’s iconic play “Death of a Salesman.”
After expressing his admiration for Miller’s work, Mike mustered up the courage to ask for a personalized signature. To his dismay, Miller’s response was less enthusiastic than he had anticipated. With a polite yet curt tone, Miller agreed to sign the book with a simple “thank you.”
Undeterred by the lukewarm reception, Mike decided to go one step further and requested a photo with Miller. However, this request was met with even less enthusiasm. Miller, fully aware of the long line of fans waiting to have their books signed, simply replied, “I got a lot of books to sign.”
Feeling a bit deflated by Miller’s lackluster response, Mike’s embarrassment grew as his wife, the ever-resourceful and supportive partner, encouraged him to stand next to Miller for a photo. Unbeknownst to Mike, his wife told Miller, “Mr. Miller, would you mind?” and quickly snapped the shot. The resulting photo captured Miller’s horrified expression, perfectly encapsulating the hilarity of the situation.
While Mike admitted that the photo wasn’t the best, he still treasures the memory of meeting his idol, no matter how awkward it may have been. The story serves as a reminder that even when your encounters with celebrities don’t go exactly as planned, they can still make for great anecdotes.
Aside from sharing this embarrassing yet humorous story, Mike also discussed his role in the popular TV show “Yes, Dear” and his new movie “Perfect Man,” set to hit theaters in July.
As always, Ellen’s show provided a delightfully entertaining and light-hearted atmosphere, allowing celebrities like Mike O’Malley to open up and share their personal stories with charm and humor. Make sure to catch “The Ellen Degeneres Show” for more entertaining interviews and delightful moments.
Originally aired on March 21, 2005