Comedian Emma Willmann made a hilarious debut on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, leaving the audience in stitches with her stand-up routine. Emma, who will soon have her own stand-up special premiering on “Don’t Tell Comedy,” captivated the audience with her witty and relatable jokes.

During her act, Emma shared a funny encounter she had while walking around the city. A man passing by looked at her and exclaimed, “Good Lord!” Although it may sound mean, Emma had a premonition that the man had just survived a grueling gender-diversity training and she seemed like a final test to determine if he truly understood diversity and inclusion.

Emma also touched upon her conservative dad’s acceptance of her being gay. She humorously theorized that her father’s understanding stems from her attraction to very feminine women. Every time she introduces her dad to a new girlfriend, he simply responds with a nonchalant “Nice,” without any mental gymnastics involved.

As a masculine woman, Emma shared how she is aware of sexism but also jokes about being in on it. When introducing her girlfriend to her best friend, he couldn’t help but comment on her physical features. Emma, however, playfully reminded him that she is more than just her appearance, with a hilarious response to his comment.

Emma also contrasted her girlfriend’s lively and loving family with her own German family, residing in Maine. While her girlfriend’s family celebrates every occasion, Emma humorously highlighted their “psychological” games during family game night. She hilariously mentioned trying to figure out if her uncle was her real father, giving the audience a glimpse into her unique family dynamics.

In one session with her therapist, Emma shared a funny exchange about creating boundaries with her mother regarding money. Emma playfully reminded her therapist that her income comes from her mother, so perhaps she should be careful with her choice of words.

Emma even poked fun at therapists themselves when her therapist revealed that she sees a therapist specializing in therapists. This led Emma to wonder how high up the therapist chain goes and who the final boss is. She humorously confessed that she could never be a therapist, as she loves gossip and would struggle to keep her clients’ information confidential.

To wrap up her hilarious set, Emma joked about her experience with being audited and how it surprisingly brought people across political divides together. Emma cheekily admitted to committing tax fraud, eliciting laughter and applause from the audience.

Emma Willmann‘s stand-up performance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon was nothing short of side-splitting. With her unique perspective and sharp wit, Emma brought laughter to the stage, leaving the audience wanting more. Be sure to catch her upcoming stand-up special on “Don’t Tell Comedy” for a night filled with laughter and entertainment.